Friday, June 13, 2008


Episode 189: What's Going On?

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Vegeta's sacrafice allowed Goku to return to their own time. But it wasn't that easy. Potaschy, enraged by the defeat, and fall of his kingdom, ordered his henchmen to seek and destroy Goku and Vegeta. Never the less, Goku defeated them easily and reached the portal just in time.
Back in the alternate future, one of Potoschy's henchmen return to Potoschy, who is sitting on his thrown in the ruins of his kingdom.

Potoschy: How dare you fail me, Imo
Imo: Goku jumped into a portal just before we could initiate our final attack, and the portal closed.
Potoschy: And what about the other guy, Vegeta. What happened to him.
Imo: He wasn't with Goku and we searched, but he was no longer to be found. By now, he's probably long gone.
Potoschy: You're worthless!
Potoschy pulls a sheruken from his pocket and throws it at Imo. The sheruken ends up cutting off Imo's head. Potoschy looks at the busted time machine.
Potoschy: I know exactly where to find them.
Back in the present time, Goku is standing in the forest, at the exact same spot the time machine was.
Goku: (Thinking) Thank you, Vegeta,
Dende: Goku!
Dende lands on the ground infront of Goku.
Dende: Vegeta didn't come back with you?
Goku: The dragon needed someone's soul to bring us back. Vegeta sacrificed himself for me.
Dende: Darn! We could have used his help.
Goku: What's wrong?
Flashbacks of what happened are shown as Dende explains.
Dende: Majin Buu returned as you predicted, and obsorbed some of our friends, even Pan and Chichi.Xicor and Broly were too busy to take care of the prblem since they were collecting the dragon balls for me. When they did arrive to fight, Buu took off ,and we don't know where to.
Goku: Who's still here?
Dende: Goten, Gohan, Videl, Bulma, Android 18, Krillan, Piccolo, both Trunks' Broly, and Xicor.
Goku: What about Bra or Maron?
Dende: They were obsorbed aswell.Goku: That monster! He must have been after me!
Come to the look-out. Everyone is there.
Dende and Goku begin to fly towards the look-out. Back in the future time, Buu is standing infront of Potoschy and spits out the obsorbed Z Warriors. The captured people are chained down to the floor by an energy chain.
Potoschy: Excellent work, Buu. Now if you capture Goku and Vegeta for me, I'll show you the planet of Chocolate.
Buu: Buu like chocolate. Hehehehe.
Back in the present time, Goku and Dende are still flying towards the look-out.
Goku: Why are you trying to hide at the look-out? Buu will be able to sense you.Dende, no, Bulma designed an undestructable and energy proof room, made of Kaching.
Goku: Where'd she find that much of it?
Dende: A meteor made of pure Kaching hit the Earth and wiped out all of Ginger Town.
Shortly after, Buu started his attack.
Goku: So much has happened.
Dende: Well, you've been gone for 2 months.What? Really? That long huh?
Dende: Yes, and Buu hasn't been here in almost a month. We better speed it up, before he picks up on your energy signature.
Goku and Dende begin to fly quicker towards the look-out.

Narrator: What do the Z Warriors plan to do about Buu? And how will they free their friends? Is that what the dragon balls are for? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 190: Dende Brings Back Vegeta
Episode 191: The Great Revival
Episode 192: Z Warriors Attacked
Episode 193: Why Isn't Broly Here?
Episode 194: Vonx Goes Super Saiyan 7
Episode 195: A Super Saiyan 8?!
Episode 196: End Of Vonx
Episode 197: Cell's Turn
Episode 198: The Great Obsorbsion
Episode 199: Furry Of A Mother
Episode 200: Super Cell
Episode 201: No Hope Left
Episode 202: Broly's Back
Episode 203: A Fight Well Won
Episode 204: Janemba's Technique
Episode 205: Bojack's Fury
Episode 206: Freeza's Betrayal
Episode 207: Freeza Buu
Episode 208: Ten Days 'Till Death
Episode 209: Z Warriors Train
Episode 210: Broly's Decision
Episode 211: Goku And Broly's Birthday
Episode 212: Ten Days Expire
Episode 213: Mystic Buu
Episode 214: The War Begins
Episode 215: Vonx and Broly VS Mystic Buu
Episode 216: Vonx's Time Is Up
Episode 217: Retreat!
Episode 218: Janemba's Stand
Episode 219: Vegeta's Rage
Episode 220: Goku VS Vegeta Super Saiyan 8
Episode 221: Gogeta And Broly VS Janemba Buu
Episode 222: Enter The Demon
Episode 223: Gohan's Still Alive
Episode 224: Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, Super Saiyan 9
Episode 225: A Desprite Cry For Senzu Beans
Episode 226: Broly's Explosive Anger
Episode 227: Buu's Defeat
Episode 228: Where's Everyone?
Episode 229: Brother Has A Brother?
Episode 230: Bruin's Story
Episode 231: Gohan's Mystic Power
Episode 232: Fusion Time Is Up
Episode 233: Xicor Is Back
Episode 234: Scramble For Time
Episode 235: Hitsorashi And Xicor, Mystic Saiyan
Episode 236: Startling Surprise
Episode 237: Gohan To The Rescue
Episode 238: Earth's Limit
Episode 239: Battle In Hell
Episode 240: Defeat Turned To Victory
Episode 241: Friends Return
Episode 242: Training Begins
Episode 243: Training Gets Intense