Friday, June 13, 2008


Episode 136: Pan Changes Lovers

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Everyone returned back to Earth. Pan finaly decided to give Trunks a chance, but she dumped him just as he asked her to a party.
Gohan: Pan, how many times do I have to tell you? The answer is no! You're too young to go on your own.
Pan thought about it for a brief second then scowled.
Pan: I fly around the world on my own! So why can't I go to a damn party!?
She smacked the wall next to her hard with her fist, causing plaster and dust to rain down.
Videl: The only people to go to those parties are idiotic guy's trying to score. I don't want you there and that's final.
Pan: I'm not gonna lose my virginity to some punk, am I? I just want to go have some fun for once. It's isn't healthy for a girl to be locked inside her house while her parents are away ALL THE TIME!!
Gohan folded his arms and gave his daughter an angered look.
Gohan: If we weren't away all the time little lady you wouldn't be living in this house, that's for certain. You'd be out on the street on your own!
Pan: Well it would be no different except I'd be outside!
Pan ran to the front door opened it and shouted to her father.
Pan: Just so you know I won't be speaking to you starting now!
She bent her legs down and launched up taking flight with an explosive start. The kick back created from her slightly raised power level trashed half the hallway and blew an antique kitchen table through the back wall, almost flattening the neighbours' cat. Pan flew as fast and as hard as she possibly could, she felt a little better being out of the house, but was still annoyed with her father.
Pan: (Thinking) What kind of girl does he think I am? Some kind of slut? I'd never think twice about going with one of those jerks.
She thought about leaving home for good. A girl like herself could easily win money in all kinds of martial arts competitions, but then again she wasn't old enough to have her own place.
Pan: (Thinking) Right. What would Grandpa Goku do?
She thought about it then smirked.
Pan: Oh yeah, he'd go eat. Silly question really. What would Grandapa Hercule do? Hide from the nearest bad guy. Go train!Throwing her fist in the air in triumph.
She realised that she had been flying for a long time, it hadn't occurred to her where she actually was. It was a long chain of rocky islands, each one about a quarter mile in diameter. Pan decided one of the islands would be a good place to train as any other. No people in the way so she could go all out. She dropped down to the one directly below her. It looked like any normal volcanic island. There were no trees, wild life, plants or grass, just looked like a wasteland. She did a few stretching exercises then wondered what she would do first. She saw a pire like rock, standing straight up in the air, the surface looked flat, even untouched by weather.
Pan: KA...ME...HA...ME...Before she said the last ha, she powered up to nearly max.
The energy in her hands felt like liquid, the dust and sand at her feet flew out away from her. She gritted her teeth and prepared herself.
Pan: HA!!!
The ki energy she had gathered released itself like a shock wave. It crashed hard into the rock, a moment later shattering it completely, the ground beneath her shook as the rocks tumbled and fell.
Pan: (thinking) I bet Grandpa would have liked that one.
She saw many other rock formations she could fry, but Pan decided she should train and not flatten the entire island. Or at least not so soon.
Bra: You flattened my rock.
Some one said from behind her. Pan froze, unsure why she hadn't "felt" that person approach. She turned and looked and saw Bra standing there. With her confident smile on her face.
Pan: Not your rock any more.
Bra: You talk as though you want to fight, I wouldn't advise it.
Pan: So what if I am? I don't think that big old rock was yours any way. Which makes me curious of why you're here. So come on, what are you doin here?
Bra smirked and brushed some of her blue hair out of her face. She wore denim jeans and a plain white T-shirt that clung to her body, showing her shapely form.
Bra: I sensed your power level rise about ten minutes ago and I was just curious to what was going on. So if you're gonna be a stuck up brat about it I'll just leave.
Pan: No wait. I'm sorry, I'm just really annoyed with my dad. He won't let me have a life. My mom never says anything so I feel like a total slave at home.
Bra nodded slowly, taking in everything the young martial artist said.
Bra: Want someone to take your anger out on?
It was more of a statement than a question. It was obvious that Bra had come to challenge Pan anyway. Pan didn't reply even though she didn't have to. After she'd steadied her breathing like she'd been trained to do she launched backwards and swung a fist at Bra. Bra dodged easily and swung an upward strike of her own. This was more to test the girl. Pan raised her knee to block it then immediately struck out with her leg. Bra moved her head to the side and smirked.
Bra: Nice shot Pan, but I think...She was cut short as a ki blast sailed just wide of her face making her hair flip wildly.
Bra: (Thinking) Wow. She could have hit me but she didn't, I wond...Pan: HA!!!
Bra looked up just in time to see Pan finish her Kamehameha. That blast had been a decoy, the Kamehameha was what Pan had wanted to do.
Bra: (Thinking) Clever girl.Bra took the full force of the blast and when the smoke cleared she smirked at the girl.
Bra: Nice try Pan, but if Vegeta couldn't hurt me with a Big Bang then your attacks won't do much either.
Bra noticed that Pan's expression didn't change a bit. But she also knew she had hit a soft spot in the girl. Pan had always hated being taunted, especially by Bra. She took a moment to study Pan a little more. Pan had grown up quite well. Her body was slender and agile, hiding incredible strength, just like Bra's. Pan did look like a tomboy but she was beautiful. Bra admired the girl in a way. Her beauty was natural, her wild personality showing on the out side. She always exposed her midriff with the tops she wore, Bra had noticed it before but never mentioned it either. She had found it attractive.
Bra: You know Pan, maybe you just need a boy friend. I mean you're how old?
Pan: No way! I'm not letting some male pervert lay his stinkin paws on me!
Bra: Okay, what about a girl friend?Pan blushed and stuttered.
Pan: Wha-what? I-I...uhh...but, I-I'm n...not.Bra: I thought so. Tell you what Pan. If you win I'll go find you a nice cute boy friend who you can boss around. How does that sound?Pan: Well...I...Pan struggled to answer but found she couldn't.
Bra: Or maybe if you win I could go find you a nice girl friend?
Bra walked over to Pan and placed a hand on her shoulder. Pan shuddered and looked up into Bra's sapphire blue eyes.
Bra: You like me don't you? I always thought you liked girls. You never had a boy friend even with your figures.
Pan wanted to run away screaming. She knew Bra was right. She'd known it was true for a long time. She'd had a crush on a lot of girls but had never done anything about it before. One of her biggest crushes was with Bra. Pan had been entranced when she had first seen her. Even though she was young she'd thought Bra was pretty. But now that she was all grown up, Pan knew she was more than just "pretty" she was absolutely stunning.Bra always impressed people with her looks. That was certain, her eyes, her hair, everything fitted perfection. Her body was that of a well-formed woman. A models figure, stunning, so very stunning. Even now, fantasies and thoughts about the woman raced through her mind. Pan tried to forget them but she couldn't help it, she imagined what the beauty would do to her if she'd asked.
Bra: What is it Pan? Tell me?Pan: I...I can't'd...Bra: I wouldn't. I already know but I want you to tell me.
Pan bowed her head so she wouldn't have to meet Bra's eyes.
Pan: Bra...I like girls. I always have. And I want one I can't have.
Bra: Me?Pan nodded.Bra: Then have me.
She embraced Pan and felt her stiffen with shock.
Bra: Kiss me Pan.Pan looked up and licked her lips instinctively.
Bra drew her closer; the woman's mouth so close. Pan feared she would wake up soon but she didn't. Instead she felt Bra's soft, moist lips touch her own, felt her tongue spread her lips open and push in softly. Pan whimpered in passion and astonishment. Her head buzzed lightly as she sucked the females tongue fully in and wrapped her arms securely around her waist. Bra carried Pan to the floor and straddled her hips, looking lustfully down at the panting girl. Bra placed her hands flat on Pan's stomach and rubbed her through the material of her T-shirt. She drew the T-shirt up over her head taking the bandana with it. Bra had expected as much, Pan wore no bra underneath her red T-shirt. Her breasts rose up from her chest capped by light pink nipples sticking up. Bra watched the rise and fall of Pan's breasts, watched for a few moments, Pan's cheeks began turning a light pink. Bra brought her hands up and started massaging Pan's breasts. Kneading the nipples softly with her thumbs, Bra felt them start to grow rigid, Pan let out a loud groan.
Bra: Enjoying yourself Pan?
She stopped rubbing one and lowered her mouth down, making slow circles around Pan's nipple with her tongue. Pan lost her breath when she felt Bra's mouth take her in. She never imagined she could feel pleasure this intense. Bra's arms slipped around, under Pan's back and lifted her. Pan let her head hang down, entirely lost in ecstasy.
Pan: Oh Bra...She felt the front of her pants become moist, inside it felt sticky.
She felt so embarrassed.
Pan: Bra I've...Bra: Not yet you haven't.
Bra unbuttoned Pan's jeans and slowly pulled down the zipper. Pan raised her hips and Bra pulled the pant's roughly down her lover's legs. Bra slowly parted the girls legs and began a trail of kisses down Pan's stomach further and further down. Pan knew what was coming next, she wanted it bad, the few seconds that it took seemed to last an eternity and not long enough at the same time.
Pan: Oh my god...Bra...Please keep going.Bra had no intention of disappointing her.
She kissed her lovers light brown hair and moved down just a little more. Pan almost exploded when she felt the woman's lips meet her vagina. She moaned and writhed on the ground, lost in her own little world. She felt Bra's tongue on her soft, moist folds. Bra’s fingers teasing her. Then Bra's toungue touched her clit, attentively licking and stimulating her. Felt one of her lovers fingers enter her. Move in slowly then out, in and out. Her snatch was slick with her juices, Bra's fingers working her effortlessly. Pan felt full, about to explode, she required release, and she wasn't far.
Pan: Oh...god! I'm...ah! Ahn! I'm Cumming, Bra...I...I'm- AHHHHNNNNN!!
Pan screamed loud, her inner muscles contracting then she released her sweet female cum, Bra continued touching her, letting Pan ride out her orgasm until the end. Once Pan was done Bra lapped the juices from her exhausted lover, cleaning her well.
Pan:Bra, thank you.
Bra: Think nothing of it. You'll have a chance to repay me tonight.
My dad is out and my Mother is sleeping at a friend's house. You can have me all night.Pan couldn't believe her ears. Bra had just invited her to sleep with her. All night, that would mean they would have sex again.
Pan: Bra?
Bra:Yes, Pan?
Pan: Let me repay you now.
Bra: You're too tired Pan. Later.
The grown woman got off and watched Pan breathe heavily.
She truly was gorgeous, no wonder she could never have resisted her.
Bra: I'll get your pants.
She winked and moved to collect them. She felt Pan's arms wrap her waist, her other went under between her legs grabbing her crotch.
Bra: Pan.
Pan: Yes Bra?
Bra: You do know I don't need to be pleased right now don't you?
Pan: Yes, but you're in the same position I use to please myself.
Pan finished her sentence by sliding her hand under Bra's T-shirt and cupping one of her breasts under her bra. Her other hand trailed down the front before slipping under the waistband of Bra's jeans. Easily entering her panties, sliding further
Pan: Wow Bra, smooth City, I thought as much.
Bra felt her fingers circle her pussy, lightly grazing over her clit. The nipple in Pan's fingers grew stiff and Pan nipped and twisted it, forcing a groan out of the busty woman. She continued her assault on Bra's tit, alternating pleasure and pain. Bra seemed to grow hot, rubbing her body; Pan not allowing her access to her Vagina. Bra groped her own breasts and stomach, her fingers hot and slippery on her skin.
Bra: Pan.
Pan pushed and rubbed Bra's clit. Forcing her pussy to become wet. The sticky clear fluids saturated the girls fingers, a musty smell drifted up Pan’s nose. The smell was almost sweet, turning her on even more. Pan moved her hand away from Bra's nipple and pushed it into Bra’s pantie’s, she got some of Bra's juices and sucked on her wet fingers, savouring the sweet taste of her lover.
Pan: You taste good.Bra smiled and groaned, touching herself
Bra: You’re really good at this Pan. Just where did you learn to do this?
Pan: I already told you. This is the same way I please myself, so I know exactly what to do.
Pan placed both hands on Bra's vagina and started rubbing, soon her fingers were inside Bra whilst her thumbs rubbed the almost solid clit on the outside. Bra all but fell to the ground. Pan went with her and the two lay together. Pan still massaging Bra's insides. Bra writhed and cried out, her breathing became heavy and harsh. She moaned constantly and whimpered every time Pan moved her fingers in deeper, scoring her fingers along Bra’s G-spot. Bra sreamed out loud as the full force of her orgasm hit, her body jolting with each spasm of pure pleasure.
Bra: Oh, Pan I love you, I love you so much.
Pan: Maybe we should go clean up now, I'd love a shower...with you.
Bra: Good idea, let's go.
Now that Pan is finaly with the girl of her dreams nothing can go wrong. Or can it? What strange new happenings will destroy her fantasies? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 137: Baby Is Still Alive
Episode 138: What's Wrong With Gogeta?
Episode 139: Baby Gogeta
Episode 140: Gogeta's Rampage
Episode 141: Alpha Dragon Ball
Episode 142: Vegeta, Goku, Where Are You?
Episode 143: Gohan's Mystic Powers Won't Work
Episode 144: What's This? A Super Saiyan 6?
Episode 145: Gogeta's Loading Up
Episode 146: Gogeta, Stage 5
Episode 147: Baby Gogeta VS Gogeta
Episode 148: Gotenks Discovers A Weakness
Episode 149: Piccolo's New Power
Episode 150: Baby Gogeta Is Escaping
Episode 151: Find The Enemy
Episode 152: The Alpha Ball Is Found
Episode 153: What's This?
Episode 154: The Power Of A Super Saiyan 7
Episode 155: Round 2
Episode 156: Baby Gogeta Is Too Stong
Episode 157: Gogeta Knows The Weakness
Episode 158: Baby Gogeta Now Weak
Episode 159: Give Up
Episode 160: Baby Gogeta Defeated
Episode 161: Back To Roshi's Island
Episode 162: The New Form, Super Saiyan 7
Episode 163: Bulma's Explosion Of Anger

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