Friday, June 13, 2008


Episode 72: Evil Guys Arrive
Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Bulma's invention allowed the Z Warriors a brief time to prepare for the arrival of an alien vessel.
Up in the vastness of space, the alien craft is glowing red. It begins morphing and it splits into two ships. The two ships begin to enter the Earth's atmosphere as they are engulfed in flames. The two ships hit the ground. Up on the look-out, Piccolo, Goku and Gohan are waiting
Piccolo: They've landed.
Gohan: On Earth?
Goku: I didn't even sense them.
Piccolo: Their powers are low, but they're there.
Goku and Gohan fly off towards the two ships. Back at the Capsule Corp, Bulma is playing back a video of the ship becoming two.Bulma: Those ships are some sort of bio-ship.Over where the ships landed, Goku and Gohan arrive. They walk up to these two broken shell like eggs.
Gohan: These eggs must have been keeping them alive in space.
Goku: They seem a little small to be warriors. Do you think they grow quickly?
Gohan: I don't know, but we should find them.
Goku and Gohan follow some tracks top these two cute, orange and yellow, four legged creatures with tails. They are no bigger then a hand.Goku: Aw, they're so cute.
Gohan: They look like they're just babies, but why would they be here?
Goku: Well, I was sent here as a baby.
Gohan: Yeah, I guess.Goku picks up the two creatures.
Gohan: What are you doing?
Goku: Bringing them home.
Gohan: What?
Goku: They need a place to stay and someone to look after them.
Goku flies off home, carrying the two little creatures. back at the Capsule Corp, Vegeta is inside the gravity chamber and is punching a punching bag.
Vegeta: Once Kakarott kills those pathetic life forms, It'll be my turn to fight Kakarott, and finaly proove who is the most pwerful being in the universe!
Goku arrives home and carries the creature into the house
.Chichi: Ew! Grose! What are you dragging into this house this time?
Goku: Uh, well....
Chichi: No! No more pets. There's enough disgusting things with Natily in the house.
Goku: But they came from another planet. We shouls treat them like guests.
Chichi: So you have time to go to other planets, but not enough time to be on time?
Goku: Fine, they'll sleep outside.
Goku carries the little creatures to a cave.
Goku: I'm sorry, but you'll have to stay here tonight. Don't worry. I'll sneak you some food tommorow.

Narrator: Could these creatures be any threat to man kind? Can Goku house train them enough to allow them to stay inside? Or will he be forced to destroy them before that? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF

Episode 73: Goku's New Friends

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Goku and Gohan rushed off to the ships, only to find them completely empty. But due to their small size, the alien creatures didn't make it too far.Goku walks into the cave with a bunch of food in his arms. He puts it down on the ground.
Goku: Breakfast is served.
The two creatures begin playing tug-o-war with the only piece of meat.
Goku: I guess you guys like meat. Wow, I'm starting to rub off on you already.
The two finish the meat, leaving only the bone.Goku: Atleast I know what to feed you now. I'll be back later. Goku leaves the cave and heads to his home. The two creatures begin glowing red as they grow a bit. Up on the look-out tower, Piccolo is keeping an eye on the two.
Piccolo: (Thinking) What are they doing?
Goku returns to the cave, with a stick, to see that the creatures are now the size of puppies.
Goku: I'll call you Vince, and you, Merik.
Goku throws the stick out of the cave.
Goku: Fetch.Vince and Merik chase after the stick.
Merik is running faster then Vince, but Merik trips and rolls. Vince ends up tripping over Merik and the two start rolling together. They stop rolling and begin wrestling.
Goku: Now, now. No need to fight.
Merik grabs the stick with his tail and bashes it against Vince's head. Back at the ships, Bulma is looking at them. She cuts a line down one of them and sees some bones beneeth the squishy layers.
Bulma: Gohan, look. These ships are just bones and tissue.
The DNA of the ship tissue matches the DNA of those creatures.
Gohan: So they converted themselves small enough to live in themselves?
Bulma: Yeah, and eating themselves to survive.
Gohan: But why are they here?
Bulma: I don't know, there's no computers. Help me bring them home.
Gohan picks up the shells and is disgusted with the smell. Back in the forest, near the cave, Goten is running around with Merik and Vince. Goten is laughing with joy.
Goten: Dad, these guys are so much fun. Can we keep them?
Goten stops and waits for the answer.
Goku: Goku: Once they're old enough, it wouls probably be best for them to go back to their home planet.
Goten: Aw, but they're our friends.
Goku: And they always will be, but sometimes we have to let our friends go.

Narrator: Will these creatures mature with ever bit of food? Since they enjoy the taste of meet, could they begin feeding on the inhabitants of Earth? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 74: Piccolo's Gone Mad

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Goku and Goten created a bond with the two aliens, now named Merik and Vince.Back in the cave, Goku brings in some more meat for Vince and Merik, who are sleeping. Goku puts it down beside them. The two wake up and start eating.

Goku: I'm going to see a friend today, so you two behave.
Goku leaves the cave. As he flies off, the two begin to glow red and become taller then Goten while they're on all four legs. Goku lands on the look-out to see Piccolo.
Goku: You know Piccolo, you're wrong about those two.
Piccolo: I wouldn't be to certain about that. It's been only 24 hours and they have already become so large. I'm sensing negative energy coming from them.
Back at Broly's house, Jeanin is petting the dog and sittingon a set of stairs outside, that lead to the door. Broly walks up to her with a bunch of logs in his hands.Broly: This should be good for a could of nightd.
Jeanin: You know what I'm thinking?
Broly: Not really.Jeanin: Haha. Well of course not, silly. We should call him Yasink.
Broly: You're not going to give every piece of meat a name are you?
Jeanin: No, just this one.
Back at the cave,
Goten walks in to see Merik and Vince growling are baring their teeth. Goten begins to run through the forest as Merik and Vince chase after him. Up on the look-out, Piccolo and Goku are still talking.
Piccolo: I don't think you should have left them with your family so close by. I think you should kill them, before I do.
Goku: Nonsense, everything will be just fine.
Goku senses something.Goten!Back at Goku's house, Goten is guarding Chichi from the two savage creatures. Goten's pant leg is torn off and his leg is bleeding. The two are moving closer to Goten and Chichi. Vince jumps at Goten. Goten kicks him over to the forest. Merik bites on to Goten's hand. Boten blasts the inside of Merik's mouth and send him towards the tree line aswell. Goku appears infornt of Goten and Chichi.
Goten: Dad!Goku looks at Goten to see him bleeding.
Goku: What happened?Goten: Merik and Vince have gone crazy.
Goku looks at the tree line, but the two creatures are gone.
Goku: We better find them before anyone else is hurt by them.
Goku and Goten run into the forest. Chichi walks into the house and locks the door. Goten and Goku are searching through the forest.
Goten: Dad, look.
Goku walks up to Goku and looks down to see a human arm without a body.
Goku: I can't beleive I trusted them.
Goten wonders away from Goku.
Goten: Dad, I found something else.Two large skin shellings lie in front of Goku and Goten.
Goku: Great, now they might look different. Why haven't your wounds healed yet? arn't you immortal?
Goten: No, me and Trunks only wished for eternal youth.
Goku: I'm going to look around here some more. I want you to go to the cave. If you don't find anything, head home and take care of your mother.
Goten: Okay.Goten runs off, through the forest, to the cave.
He walks in to the cave, but there's nothing. The cave opening explodes and caves in. Goku sees the explosion.
Goku: Goten?!Goku runs as fast as he can to the cave.
He finds the opening caved in.
Goku: Goten!? Are you in there?!

Narrator: Have these creatures shown their true colors? Can Goten still be alive in the darkness of the cave? Who could have trapped him in there? Find out on the nest episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 75: Gouyky And Nomanis

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Merik and Vince attacked Goten and nearly killed him. The extra person that the two ate made them to large for their former bodies. They shed their bodies and managed to escape. Unfortunately, Goten was incapable of escaping the collapsing cave, and was trapped with in.Goku starts moving the collapsed rocks out of the way.

Goku: Goten! Talk to me!
Goku moves a rock and makes an opening to the cave.
He crawls in to find Goten perfectly fine.
Goku: Are you okay?
Goten: No.Goku: What's wrong?
Goten: I can't find Natily. He was in pocket.
Goku: We can find her later.Goten: Him, he's a he.
Goku and Goten crawl out of the tiny opening to see two new creatures standing infront of them. The new creatures are standing on two legs and have a tail like a scorpion's tail. Their fingers end with sharp claws. One of them is yellow with orange spots. The other is orange with yellow spots.
Goku: Merik? Vince?
Nomanis: Not quite.
Gouyky: It's actually Nomanis and Gouyky.
Goku: You can speek?
Nomanis: yes, we studied your language while we grew.
Goku: Do you know why you were sent to Earth?
Nomanis: No, because we weren't sent here.
Gouyky: We came here. On our planet, Sapire, everyone lived in peice. We disrupted the peice and gained bounties on our heads. With no where else to go, we were forced to leave the planet using our special Sapirian technique. Of course, this required for us to return to our larval stages. You cave us what we needed to become us again.
Nomanis: For your help, we shall spare your life.
Goten turns backto the pile of rocks to see Natily crawl out. Head heads towards him, but a blast hits Natily and explodes. Goten turns back around to see Gouyky's hand pointed at the explosion.
Goten: RRR! You jerk!Goten charges at Gouyky and goes to punch, but Goten is knocked away by Gouyky's tail.
Gouyky: So careless.Goten charges back at Gouyky as he transforms into a Super Saiyan. Nomanis kicks him away. Goku punches Nomanis across the face. Nomanis uses his tail to hit Goku in the back of the knees,making Goku drop to his knees. Nomanis knees Goku in the chin and kicks him away. Goku rolls along the ground and slams into the pile of rocks. Nomanis charges at Goku and kicks him in the gut. Goten kicks Nomanis away from Goku. Nomanis flies into the Sky. Gouyky back hands Goten. Goten is launched into the air. Nomanis grabs Goten and stabs the point of his tail into him. Goten gets a stuned look on his face. Gouyky flies up and begins punching Goten in the gut while Nomanis holds him. Goku gets back on his feet and transforms into a Super Saiyan 5. Gouyky stops punching and looks at Goku. Gouyky moves his hand, signaling Goku to go towards him.
Gouyky: Come and get me!
Goku charges at Gouyky and goes to punch. Gouyky pushes Goku's fist out of the way and stabs his tail into Goku's back. Goku freezes.
Goku: What?!
Goku sees that Nomanis has his tail in Goten.
Goten: I can't move.
Goku: Poison.
Nomanis: Our tails are filled with a paralyzing poision.
Gouyky: It wears off in a couple of seconds after our tails are removed.
Nomanis: Until then, you're ours!
Gouyky and Nomanis nod at eachother and let go of Goten and Goku. Goku and Goten begin to fall to the ground. Gouyky and Nomanis begin to power up to power up their blasts

Narrator: Will Goku and Goten free themselves from the paralyzing poison before it's too late? Or have they met their fate by the hands of the two Sapirians? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 76: Vegeta To The Rescue

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Goku and Goten were attacked by Gouyky and Nomanis, the two creatures that had grown into their adult forms. And with a poke of their tails, the two Saiyans were left paralyzed.Gouyky and Nomanis are powering up their blasts. They launch them down at Goku and Goten. The two Saiyans disappear into the blasts. The blasts explode and Goten and Goku fall to the ground.
Goku: Are you okay?Goten: I can move again!Goku: Get home. Take care of your mother.
Goten nods and begins to run. Nomanis drops down infront of Goten. Goku instant transmits himself behind Nomanis and puts him in a full nelson.
Nomanis: What?Goku: Get out of here!
Goten continues to run. Gouyky begins to chase after Goten. Nomanis goes to stab goku in the back with his tail again, but Goku grabs it in time. He bgins swinging himaround by his tail. Goku lets go of Nomanis' tail and Nomanis crashes into Gouyky. The two fall tothe ground and take a few trees with them. Up on the look-out, Piccolo has his eyes closed.
Piccolo: (Thinking) Vegeta, where are you?
At the Capsule Corp, Vegeta is in the gravity chamber again.
Piccolo: Vegeta...Vegeta: So Nameks can communicate telepathically?
Piccolo: Goku needs your help!
Vegeta: And why should I help him?
Piccolo: If he is too die, how can you be better then him?
Vegeta: RRR...Inside Goku's house,
Chichi can here the fighting. Someone taps her on the back. She screams and turns around to see Goten.
Chichi: How did you get in?
Goten: You forgot to ock the window.
Chichi: Oh my!Chichi goes to the window and locks it.
Chichi: Where's your father?
Goten: Fighting the ugly dogs.
Back at the fight, Super Saiyan 5 Goku charges at Gouyky. Gouyky uppercuts Goku and then punches him across the face twice. Gouyky then kicks Goku in the stomach. Goku is launched into the pile of rocks infront of the cave. Gouyky is about to stab Goku with his tail, but Vegeta grabs Gouyky's tail.
Goku: Nice timing.Nomanis charges at Vegeta.
Goku: Vegeta! Watch out!
Vegeta swings Gouyky around by his tail. Nomanis is hit by Gouyky. Nomanis falls to the ground, but Vegeta continues to spin Gouyky around. Nomanis stands back up. Vegeta lets go of Gouyky, who rashes into Nomanis.
Vegeta: You disappoint me, Kakarott. I thought you could handle them on your own, regardless of you being a mere low level.
Vegeta ransforms into a Super Saiyan 5.
Goku: You've been doing some training.Vegeta: Well, what did you think?!I'm not a slacker!Nomanis charges at Vegeta and goes to stab him with his tail. Vegeta dodges, but the needle of Nomanis' tail scrapes the side of Vegeta's arm. Nomanis goes to punch Vegeta. Vegeta tries to move his arm to block with, but it seems to be frozen. Vegeta is punched in the face and falls to the ground. Gouyky charges at Goku. Goku prepares to punch. Vegeta kicks Gouyky away.
Vegeta: I couldn't move my arm.
Goku: Their tails can paralyze.
Vegeta: Oh, now you tell me! Didn't you think that information was important?! huh. You wont see me saving your ass anymore!Nomanis: We'll make sure that you are correct.
Gouyky: By killing both of you!

Narrator: Gouyky and Nomanis have proposed the death of Goku and Vegeta. Can the two Sapirians be incorrect? Will Vegeta pull through for Goku again? Or will he have to fend for himself? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 77: Gogeta VS. Gouyky And Nomanis

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Vegeta came to Goku's rescue and learned of the poisonous tails the hard way.

Gouyky: Are you ready?
Nomanis: To die!
Goku: What are we going to do?
Vegeta: I don't care what you do. Go to hell for all I care, but as for me, I'm going to kick some ass!Vegeta charges down at Gouyky and Nomanis.
Gouyky: I got this!Gouyky charges at Vegeta.
Vegeta zilches behind Gouyky and elbowshim in the back. Gouyky turns around.
Vegeta launches the Final Flas, at point blank, into Gouyky's stomach. Gouyky is launched away. Vegeta carges at Nomanis. Nomanis goes to punch Vegeta. Vegeta pushes Nomanis' fist away and moves behind him. Vegeta kicks the back of Nomanis' knees. Nomanis falls to his knees. Vegeta pushes on the backof Nomanis' head with his foot, pushing Nomanis' face into the grond. Nomanis goes to stab Vegeta with his tail, but Vegeta grabs the tail.
Vegeta: How about I free you from your own poison? I'll just rip your tail off!Vegeta begins tugging on Nomanis' tail. Gouyky kicks Vegeta off of Nomanis.
Gouyky begin launching blasts at Vegeta. None of the blasts hit him, but the explosions make him roll across the ground. One of the blasts hits the ground just under Vegeta and the explosion sends him into the sky. Nomanis kicks Vegeta in the back and pushes him into the ground.
Gou launches the Kamehameha Wave at Nomanis, knocking him away from Vegeta. Goku turns around and is about to be punched by Gouyky.
The Big Bang Attack his Gouyky and throws him away. Goku looks at Vegeta and Vegeta is back on his feet and panting.
Goku: We can't beat them like this.
Vegeta: Don't you even say the "F" word!
Goku: Vegeta! I don't swear.
Vegeta: I meant fusion, you idiot!
Goku: Fusion, what a great idea!
Vegeta: I hate that dance!
Goku:Don't worry, once we become Gogeta, those two will be killed and no one will know you did it.
Vegeta: Fine, I'll do your stupid fusion, but if this doesn't work, I'll make sure that you're the one that dies!
Vegeta and Goku preform the fusion dance.
Goku & Vegeta: FU....SION....HA!!
The two become Gogeta.
Nomanis: So that's how a fusion is done.
Gogeta: No it's finaly time to finish you off!

Narrator: It's now two verses one, but even with Gogeta's higher power, can he keep up with more then one opponent? Or will he out done? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 78: Evil Fusion, Nomaykygos

Narrator: Last time on Dragon Ball AF, Vegeta arrived to give Goku a lending hand. They both tried their best, but the Sapirians gave them a run for their lives. After fusing into Gogeta, the moods changed.Gouyky lands beside Nomanis.
Gouyky: Lets copy their movements.
Nomanis: It's worth a try.
Gouyky and Nomanis preform the fusion dance.
Gouyky & Nomanis: FU....SION....HA!!
The two become Nomaykygos.Nomaykygos: Iguess you can call me Nomaykygos.Gogeta: I don't care what I should call you, you won't be around long enough for it to matter.Gogeta transforms into a Super Saiyan 5.
Nomaykygos: Die!
Nomaykygos charges at Gogeta and punches Gogeta in the face and then in the chest, but there was no effect. Gogeta kciks Nomaykygos away.Nomaykygos: You may have transformations, but Sapirians only need flesh to ain a power boast.
Gogeta: What animal would stay around here?
Nomaykygos: Any animal, if they were already dead!
Nomaykygos whips his tail against the ground and some sand is thrown into Gogeta's eyes. Gogeta wipes the sand out of his eyes and sees that Nomaykygos is gone.
Gogeta: Darn him! He must have already prepared for this!Back at Goku's house,
Chichi is looking out a window.
Chichi: It's too quiet out there. Do you think it's over?No answer.
Chichi turns to Goten and he is unconscious on the floor. Chichi kneels over Goten and places her hand on Gohan's forehead.
Chichi: You're burning up.
In the forest behindGoku's house, Nomaykygos finishes eating the human arm.Nomaykygos: More.Nomaykygos moves to the shedded skin of Gouyky and Nomanis. He begins eating it. Gogeta appears behind him.
Gogeta: Let's go.
Nomaykygo faces Gogeta and powers up.
Gogeta: Kaioken!
A red flame engulfs Gogeta's body as hisstrenght and speed increases.
Nomayygos double kicks at Gogeta, but Gogeta blocks his arm. Gogeta back hands Nomaykygos accross the face. Nomaykygos does the same and then goes tokick, but the attack is blocked again. Gogeta kicks Nomaykygos, making him fly backwards. Gogeta's Kaioken wares off. Gogeta charges at Nomaykygos, but gets punched away. They both begin to power up. Gogeta charges at Nomaykygos, but gets drop kicked on the head. Nomaykygos zilches behind Gogeta and elbow him in the back. Gogeta goes into the sky. Nomaykygos floats up to Gogeta's level.
Gogeta: Not bad.Nomaykygos: No, but things are about to get worse for you!
Gogeta charges at Nomaykygos. Nomaykygos launches a Ki blast at Gogeta, but Gogeta back hands the blast away. Gogeta punches Nomaykygos in the stomach, and tries to trip him, but Nomaykygos regains his footing and kicks at Gogeta. The kick is blocked. Nomaykygos then kicks Gogeta in the chin and then drop kicks him on the head again. Gogeta drops diagonaly abit. Gogeta begins to power up as Nomaykygos chargesat him. Gogeta kicks Nomaykygos high into the sky. Gogeta zilches above him and clutches him to the ground.
Gogeta launches the Kamehameha Wave down at Nomaykygos. Direct hit. The smoke clears and Nomaykygos flies into the sky.
Gogeta: Here, have some more!
Gogeta launches three Ki blasts at Nomaykygos.
Nomaykygos zilches behind Gogeta and knocks him away. Over on a tropical island, at Broly's house, Broly is standing on a tree stump with his eyes closed. Jeanin walks up to Broly and holds his hand.
Jeanin: What's wrong babe? There's a fight isn't there?
Broly: yes, but it's nothing. The enemy is greatly out matched.
Broly hops off of the tump and walks away.

Narrator: What does Broly mean? Can Gogeta defeat Nomaykygos before the fusion is up? And what has happened to Goten? Can he recover to help Gogeta? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 79: Gogeta's Powers Awakening

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Goku and Vegeta fused into Gogeta, but letting the Sapirian duo see the fusion technique allowed them to create their own fusion Nomaykygos. Away fromthe fight, in the safety of his own home, Goten suddenly became ill.Goten is lying in his bed. Chichi puts a warm cloth on his forhead.
Chichi: Lets see your temperature.
Chichi pulls the thermometer out of Goten's mouth.
Chichi: 107? It's risen in the past ten minutes.
At Gohan's house, Gohan is now sensing the fight.
Pan: I feel it too.
Gohan: Pan, stay here until your mother gets home.
Gohan exists the house and flies off.
Pan: Stay home? Yeah, right.
Pancounts to ten and then flies towards the fight. Back at the fight, Nomaykygos punches Gogeta across the face twice and then kicks Gogeta to the ground. Gogeta gets back on to his feet.
Gogeta: (Thinking) He's good, I need more power to defeat him.
Gogeta begins having a flash back of Goku talking to Broly.
Goku: I didn't think there was anything passed a Super Saiyan 4.
Broly: You'd be suprise.Gogeta regains focus on the present fight.
Gogeta: (Thinking) All I need to do is continuasly power up.
Gogeta begins to power up.
Nomaykygos: What is he up too?
Sparks surround Gogeta. Light is immited from the body. The light fades and the only change to Gogeta's looks is that his muscles have enlarged a little.
Gogeta: (Thinking)Could this be Super Saiyan 6?
At the Kame House, Krillan is training with Android 18. Krillan goes to punch the android, but she spins around and back hands Krillan on the side of the face. Krillan falls into the shallow part of the water.
Android 18: Come on, we have to win the next tournament.
They both sense the fight between Gogeta and Nomaykyos.
Krillan: That's by Goku's house!
Back at the fight. Gogeta punches Nomaykygos and charges after him. Gogeta elbows Nomaykygos to the ground. Nomaykygos lands on the ground and looks up, but Gogeta is gone.
Nomaykygos: What?!
Gogeta goes to kick Nomaykygos from behind, but Nomaykygos senses this and jumps aside. Gogeta misses, and puts his foot against the ground to stop himself. He slides, on his feet, against the ground and comes to a stop.
Gogeta: Nice.
Nomaykygos: Let's go!
They both charge at each other. Once in range of each other, they begins punching and kicking as they rise into the sky. Both their knees collide and then they backflip and land on the ground. They both charge again and go to punch. Their fists collide. Gogeta goes to punch Nomaykygos, but Nomaykygos grabs Gogeta's fist and holds it. Nomaykygos goes to punch and Gogeta grabs the fist. They just stand their holding each other's fists.
Gogeta: Ready to die?
Nomaykygos: If by some chance I am to die, I'm taking someone with me!
Gogeta: Only the strongest can win!
They both begin to power up. Sparks surround their fists and a crater is formed beneeth them. Gohan is getting closer to the fight.
Gohna: (Thinking) A little too close to home.
Gohan drops down to Goku's house. Pan flies over the house.
Pan: I want to see the fight.
Inside of Gokus house, Gohan and Chichi are watching Goten.
Gohan: Is he going to be alright?Chichi: I don't know. It's only getting worse.Goten is sweating as he tosses and turns in his sleep.
Pan arrives at the fight. Nomaykygos and Gogeta are still holding each other's fists. Nomaykygos knees Gogeta in the stomach. Nomaykygos front flips with a 180 degrees spin in it and kicks Gogeta on the back from above. Nomaykygos flies into the sky. He begins to power up a blast.
Nomaykygos: Good bye Saiyan!Nomaykygos launches the blast at Gogeta.
Pan: Grandpa Goku!
The smoke clears and there is a hole straight down into the ground, in the middle of the crater.
Nomaykygos: My first Saiyan dead.
Gogeta: Think again.
Nomaykygos: What!?
Nomaykygos turns around to see Gogeta. Gogeta punches Nomaykygos away. Nomaykygos zilches behind Pan. He sticks his tail into Pan's arm. and grabs her in a head lock.

Narrator: Their power seem to be equal, but with Pan as a hostage, the odds are in Nomaykygos' favour. Can Gogeta figure out a way to safe Pan and stop Nomaykygos? And is there a cure for Goten's strange illness? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 80: Nomaykygos Defeated

Narrator: Last time on Dragon Ball AF, the fight between Gogeta and Nomaykygos intensified as Gogeta powered up to his max. Even with his amazing power, he could not prevent Pan from being captured.Nomaykygos is holding Pan and his tail is in her arm.

Gogeta: Let her go. Are you afraid to fight me yourself?
Nomaykygos: No, I thought I'd let you suffer a bit first.
Gogeta: Well, hurry up then.
Nomaykygos & Pan: What?!
Gogeta: The fusion doen't last forever, you know.
Nomaykygos: (Thinking) Excellent. His fusion time will be over first and I'll win!
Pan: Fine, I'll save myself.
Pan begins to move her arm.
Nomaykygos: What's this?
Pan kicks Nomaykygos inthe crotch. Nomaykygos pulls his tail out of her arm. Pan then kicks Nomaykygos acros the face and turns to Gogeta
Pan: You're on your own.
Pan flies off.
Nomaykygos: What's going on? She's suposed to be paralyzed.
Gogeta: She's not a pure breed. She has more human blood in her then Saiyan.
Nomaykygos: (Thinking) These Humans must have an antibody in their blood.Nomaykygos signals to Gogeta to follow him. Nomaykygos drops to the ground and Gogeta follows.
Nomaykygos: This is getting very tiresome.
Gogeta: Then finish it, if you can.
Nomaykygos: Sauzer Blade.A purple glow surrounds both of Nomaykygos' hands. The energy then forms into blades.
Nomaykygos: Now it gets interesting.
Nomaykygos charges at Gogeta and starts swinging the Sauzer Blades at him. Gogeta is able to dodge all of the swings. Nomaykygos trips Gogeta with his tail. Gogeta back handsprings and the blade hits the ground. Gogeta jumps off of a tree just as Nomaykygos swings his arm at Gogeta. The Sauzer Blade makes a clean cut through the tree and it falls.
Gogeta: That was close.Nomaykygos starts swinging the Sauzer Blades as fast as he can at Gogeta. Gogeta manages to dodge ever swing, but trees are hit in the process and they fall to the ground. Back inside Goku's house, Pan walks into Goten's room.
Gohan: Pan, I thought Itold you to stay home?!
Pan: And miss all the fun?
Chichi: Wait! How's everyone getting in?
Pan & Gohan: The window.
Chichi: What is with this family and windows?
Back at the Capsule Corp, Bra walks into Vegeta's gravity chamber wearing blue sweat pants and a t-shirt.
Bra: Maybe if I get stronger, Pan will like me more. Let's see, my dad starts it at 1000, but he's a Super Saiyan 5 . So maybe I'll try 200.Bra pushes in a few buttons and the gravity changes to 200 times Earth's normal gravity. Bra falls to the ground and feels as if she is being crushed. She transforms into a Super Saiyan and tries to lift her arm, but it slmas back against the floor.
Bra: I...Can't.Future Trunks walks past the chamber, senses Bra, and looks in the window. He takes his sword out of it's sheethe and throws it through thw window. The sword hits the off button on the machine and the gravity goes back to normal. Bra goes back to normal and stands up. Future Trunks walks into the chamber and picks up his sword.
Future Trunks: That's too high for you, you have to be more careful or you'll end up like our breakfast pancakes. Why were you in here anyway?
Bra: So I can impress Pan.
Future Trunks: Why you have a crush on her or something?
Bra doesn't reply, but begins to blush.
Future Trunks: Does Trunks know? You know her really likes her.
Bra: Well he can find someone else, she's mine!
Backat the fight,
Nomaykygos swings both of his Sauzer Blades at Gogeta, but Gogeta grabs both of Nomaykygos' arms. Gogeta kicks him into the air and zilches behind him to back hand him back to the ground.
Gogeta: Last shot. BIG BANG KAMEHAMEHA!!
Gogeta launches the Big Bang Kamehameha Wave at Nomaykygos and it makes a direct hit.
Gogeta: Haha! It's finished!Suddenly, Gogeta defuses.

Narrator: As the smoke clears, hope of the Sapirian threat being over lingers through the Saiyans' heads. But can that have really defeat Nomaykygos, Gogeta's equal? More to come on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 81: Goten's Illness

Narrator: Last time, Gogeta and the equally powered Nomaykygos fought for supremicy, but Gogeta's final blow revealed the true victor of this fight. And with ech passing second, Goten's illness becomes worse. Can there be a cure and will he be able to get it in time before he passes away? Find out today on Dragon Ball AF!
Goku and Vegeta are watching the smoke clear. Nomanis is on the ground and Gouyky's legs are beside Nomanis. Goku and Vegeta land beside Nomanis.

Nomanis: No, mercy.
Vegeta: Why should I spare your life?
Nomanis: Because I know something about Goku's son.
Goku: What do you mean?
Nomanis: In our larval state, the poison in our bodies is very concentrated and can be fatal. Your son was bitten and is slowly dying and he WILL die without the cure, but no such thing has ever been found before.
Gouyky, without his legs, floats up behind Goku and goes to punch. Goku turns around and blasts Gouyky while Vegeta blasts Nomanis, destroying them both.
Goku: I guess you want to fight me now.
Vegeta:Not today, Kakarott. You're too tired and I want you at your prime when I make a mokery of you.
Goku: You're worried about Goten.
Vegeta: What? His health is of no concern to me.
Goku: Thank you, Vegeta.
Vegeta flies off home as does Goku. Goku walks into Goten's room.
Chichi: Goten's sick.
Goku: Yeah, I know. He was bitten by those creatres. We have to get him to Bulma, she'll know what to do. Gohan, grab Goten.
Gohan picks up Goten. Goku places his hand on Gohan's shoulder and his middle and index finger of his other hand on his forehead.
Goku: Who ever's coming grab on.
Both Pan and Chichi grab on to Goku.
Goku instant transmits everyone into the Capsule Corp.Bulma: Hey, what's up? What's wrong with Goten?
Goku: He's been bitten. Do you think you can help?
Bulma: Yeah, I'll see what I can do.
Goku: Thanks.
Pan, go play with Bra.Up in Bra's room, Bra is sitting infront of a mirror and is putting her hari in a pony tail, just as Pan walks into the room.Bra: Hey Pan! When did you get here?
Pan: Just now. Uncle Goten is sick.Down in the laboratory, everyone in the house waits, while Goten is on a table with his shit off. Connected to his chest, is a heart monitor.
Chichi: Is my Goten going to be alright?Bulma: He's too unstable. I've tried almost every tetnis and vaccination shot available and nothing is howing any hint of improovement. I'd give him three days max. Until then, get him to a hospital. Atleast there he might have a better chance.
Future Trunks: What about the dragon balls?
Chibi Trunks: Won't work. Dende had to make some kind of limit to the dragon's power. He made it so it can't heal sickness or revive people that were killed by a desease.
Goku: I'm not going to wait.Goku grabs Goten and instant transmits the two of them infront of a hospital. Goku, carrying Goten in his arms, runs into the hospital.
Goku: He needs help!
Narrator: Can Goku find what is needed for this virus to leave Goten's body? Or will he have to let his son go? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 82: The Call Of DendeNarrator: Previously on Dragon Ball AF, the fighting came to an end, but the Sapirians got the last laugh as it was revealed that the cause of Goten's illness was a poisonous venom from the evil twins.IN the hospital, Goku is trying to walk through the doorway to see his son, but the doctor is pushing Goku back out.

Doctor: Stay out he needs his rest.
The doctor slams the door shut in Goku's face.
Goku: (Thinking) Hang in there, Goten.
Goku instant transmits himself onto the look-out.
Goku: Piccolo, have you been keeping tabs on what's been happening?
Piccolo: Yes, I'm quite aware of the situation.
Goku: Do you think you can make new dragon balls?
Piccolo: I've never done it before, something like that could take a year.
Goku: We don't have that much time.
Piccolo: I'm sorry Goku, but I'll let you know if something comes up.
Back on the planet's ground, Xicor is lying on the grass near a little pond, holding a fishing rod.
Xicor: This is the life, not a thing in the world to worry about.His fishing rod, which is just an ordinary stick and string tied to it, begins to bend. Xicor begins to pull on the string to reel in the fish.
Xicor: This seems pointless.
Xicor jumps into the water to catch the fish and jumps back out.
Xicor: Ouch!
A large fish is holding on to Xicor's legs with it's mouth. Xicor hits the ground and the fish jumps back into the water. On planet Namek, Dende is standing beside Purunga and is holding a glass tube with pink liquid in it.
Dende: (Thinking) Piccolo, are you there?
Piccolo: (Thinking) I'm listening, go on.
Dende: (Thinking) I've been checking up on Earth every now and then, and I know about Goten and I had the dragon od Namek, Purunga, to create an antidote. Unfortuantely I can't get it to you. The other two wishes need to be used for something else. You'll have to get Goten here.
Piccolo: (Thinking) There should be no problem with that.
Narrator: How is Piccolo planning to get Goten to planet Namek without a space ship? Is there even a ship that can make that distance in 3 days? More to come next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 83: Piccolo's Story

Narrator: Last time on Dragon Ball AF, Dende passed on great news of a vaccine that can heal oten. Unfortunately, it could not be delivered to Earth.

Dende: (Thinking) Just need to ask you for one more thing, bring everyone to Namek.
Piccolo: (Thinking) Why? Ehat are you scheming in the head of yourse?
Dende: (Thinking) It's a suprise, a big suprise.
Back on Broly's tropical Island, he is taking to Jeanin.
Broly: I need a fight, really bad.
Jeanin: Lets get under those covers and I'll give you a go.
Broly:Not now, hun. Ithink I should finish Xicor's training.
Jeanin:Idon't get it. What do you see in him?
Broly: Potential for a great challenge.
At Goku's house, Chichi is washing the floo. Piccolo, without knocking walks in.
Chichi: What do you think you're doing?
Piccolo: Where's Goku? It's urgent.
Chichi: He's gone right now.
Piccolo: If he shows up, tell him that Goten has a chance.
Chichi: He does?Piccolo walks out of the house.
Chichi looks at the floor and sees all the muddy foot prints that Piccolo left behind. Chichi steps out of the house and throws a pale of water at Piccolo, buthe is too far for it to reach him.
Chichi: And don't come back!
Broly lands at Xicor's ship.
Broly: Hello? Xicor? (Thinking) Where could that kid be?
In South City, in an amusement park, Xicor is riding a roller coaster and laughing.
Xicor: Oh, yeah! Ya-hoo!
Broly: (Thinking) I can't sense him. He's supressed his power level.
Broly flies off. Back at the Capsule Corp, Bulma is doing some tests on her computer, while Goku watches.
Bulma: You sure their bodies are destroyed?
Goku: Yes.
Bulma: Then the DNA of their shell would have to do. Right now I'm trying to see if I can find any antibodies in their blood. It can help create an antidote. Even if the test shows up positive it could take too long.A message on the computer monitor pops up saying "No Matches Found".
Bulma: There's nothing. I'm sorry.
Goku: It's alright. I'll go see if there's still something left of them.
Just before Goku leave the room, the phone rings. Bulma picks it up.
Bulma: Capsule Corp, how mayI help you?......Chichi?
Goku hears the name of his wife and turns around to face Bulma.
Bulma: Right.She hangs up the phone.
Goku: She okay?
Bulma: She's fine, but Piccolo needs to see you. It's about Gten.
Goku: Great! Thanks!Goku instant transmits himself out of the building.
Bulma: I need to learn how to do that.Goku appears on to the look-out.
Piccolo: Nice of you to show up.
Goku: What's up? Do you know how to save Goten?
Piccolo: Listen, there's a cure, butit's on Namek. Dende wants all the Earth's special forces to go and he won't tell me why. Something's going to happen up there, something big.
Goku: Either way, I'm going. I have to save Goten.
Piccolo: All we need now is a space craft.
Narrator: Can a ship be found that can get them to planet Namek? Why would Dende want the Z Warriors there? And what is his big suprise? Don't miss the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 84: Z Warrior's GatheringNarrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, the search for a cure was looking up as one had been created. Unfortunately, it was on the other side of the Northern Quadrant. The Z Warriors are now down to two days.

Piccolo: We just need a space ship that can get us to Namek in less then two days.
Goku: I'm sure Bulma can get us something.
Piccolo: And if she can't?
Goku: Lets not even think like that. I'll head to Bulma's. Can you contact the others and tell them to meet me there?
Piccolo: Sure.Goku instant transmits himself off of the look-out tower.
Xicor arrives back at his ship. Broly walks out from hiding behind Xicor's ship.
Broly: Out having fun?
Xicor: What are you doing here?
Broly: I'm here to finish your training.
Xicor gets into the Crouching Tiger stance.
Xicor: Alright, let's go.
Broly: If you wish to continue living on this planet, then we can't fight here.
Xicor: Back to that chamber?
Broly: You got it.Broly and Xicor both fly off towards the look-out tower.
Back at the Capsule Corp, Goku, Gohan, Pan, Bra, both Trunks', Vegeta, Bulma, Krillan and Android 18 are in the same room.
Goku: So now we need a ship that can get us there in two days, that's where you come in, Bulma.
Bulma: I can get a ship to get you there, but the technology of Earth can't do it in two days.
Vegeta: So why do the rest of us have to waiste our time here?
Goku: Dende wants all of us to go there, he has something to show us.
Broly and Xcior land on the look-out and begin walking towards the temple.
Piccolo: Xicor!?
Xicor: Just using the chamber thing again.
Piccolo: No, you're going to bring me to your ship and show me how to pilot it.
Xicor: But I'm busy.
Piccolo: You better find time in your busy schedual in the next couple of minutes or Goten will die!
Xicor: What? How?
Piccolo: I'll explain on the way.
Piccolo, Xicor and Broly begin to fly back towards Xicor's ship.
Piccolo: (Thinking) Goku, can you hear me?
Goku: Loud and clear, Piccolo.
Piccolo: Head towards Xicor's ship. It's the last hope for Goten.
Goku: Okay everyone, grab hold.
Everyone in the room grabs on to each other, creating a chain with Goku in the middle.
Goku: This technique has become quite handy alot lately.Broly, Xicor and Piccolo arrive at Xicor's ship, just as Goku instant transmits everyone else there.

Narrator: A ship has been found, but time is still ticking. Can Xicor's ship be quick enough? And will Xicor give up his training to go to Namek with the Z Warriors? All to be revealed next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 85: On To Planet Namek

Narrator: Last time, our heroes continued their search for a way to Namek. Unfortunately, Bulma couldn't get a fast enough vessel, but all was not lost, for Xicor still had his ship. But will it still work after that accident he had with it? Find out today on Dragon Ball AF!

Goku: Nice to see you again, Xicor.
Xicor: Same to you.
Goku: Can this get us to Namek in two days?
Xicor: It can get you there in a single day at it's max speed.
Future Trunks walks into the ship.
Future Trunks: How does it work?
Xicor: Just say where to go and it'll take you there.
Future Trunks: Planet Namek.
Computer: Invalid command. Fuel low.
Bulma: No problem, what does it run on?
Xicor: Eitherol.
Bulma: What?! You use an illegal and highly explosive chemical for fuel!?
Xicor: Well, it works.
Chibi Trunks: Mom, these kids near our house were using that stuff to make drugs.
Bulma: Vegeta, you and Trunks go and get our fuel.
Vegeta: Finaly, some excitement.Vegeta and chibi Trunks fly off.
Goku: I should get Goten now.Goku flies off towards Central City.
He arrives at the hospital there and goes in throught the open window. He picks up GOten and heads back towards the window. A doctor walks in.
Doctor: Hey Stop!
Goku jumps out of the window and flies off.
Doctor: Wha....What?
Back at Xicor's ship. Xicor finishes pooring the last barrel of eitherol into the ship's fuel tank. Goku arrives back with Goten.
Xicor: It's all ready to go.The Z Warriors step into the ship.
Bra: Mom, you coming?
Bulma: No, I've had too many close calls with them, and so have you!
Bulma pulls Bra off of the ship.
Xicor: Actually, Goku, I'd like to stay behind to finish my training with Broly.
Goku: Sure, that would leave someone to look after the Earth.
Gohan: Tell Videl where I am.
The ship door closes.
Computer: Select destination.
Piccolo: On to planet Namek!
The ship's thrusters turn on and it takes off.
Narrator: Hope lies on Namek for Goten, but will they make it in time? What kind of obsticles will they encounter on their journey through space? Don't miss the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 86: Training On The Space Ship

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Xicor offered to let Goku use his ship to travel to Namek in order to save Goten from dying. The ship left Earth, but Xicor and Broly remained on Earth to continue Xicor's training.Broly, Xicor, Bulma and Bra watch the space ship leave the planet.

Bulma: So, who's going to take me and Bra home?
Broly and Xicor both get a suprised look on their face and then look at each other. Up in the space ship, Pan is trying to change the gravity with the gravity machine.
Pan: Lets do some training while we're in here.
Krillan: I don't think you should be playing with that.
Vegeta and Goku transform into Super Saiyans. Vegeta then turns to Pan.
Vegeta: If you're going to turn that on, then you and the rest of these weaklings should leave the room.
Pan: Hey!
Goku puts his arm around Vegeta's shoulders.
Goku: He's right. It's for big boy training.
Pan: Why does everyone treat me like a baby?Vegeta notices that Goku is touching him.
Vegeta: Get off of me, Kakarott!
Vegeta grabs Goku's arm and hip chucks him across the room. Goku hits a cubboard that pops open. A Saiyan Armor outfit falls out of the cubboard and lands in Goku's lap. Pan runs up to him.
Pan: Are you alright, grandpa Goku?
Goku stands up.
Goku: I'm fine. You know, if you want to train under gravity, why don't you put this on?
Goku hand pan the Saiyan Armor. Not expecting it to be heavy, she grabs it and Goku lets go. She can't hold it and falls to the ground with it.
Goku: It's weighted armor.Pan puts on the Saiyan armor.
Goku and Krillan begin giggling.
Pan: What's so funny?
Goku: Well, you look so cute!
Gohan: Too bad we couldn't take a picture for your mother to see.
Pan begins blushing.
Pan: Haha! Have your fun!
Pan walks into the other room and slams the door behind her.
Goku: wow, pouty, I'm glad I didn't have a girl.
Krillan: Lucky you.
Andoid 18 hit Krillan up side the head.
Vegeta: Start the machine!
Off in the other room, Pan walks up to Goten, who is lying on a bed. Piccolo is meditating in the shadowy corner and is not noticed by Pan. Piccolo wakes up and watches the two.
Pan: Hang in there, we're almost there.
Chibi Trunks walks into the room and kisses Pan on the cheek. Pan pushes chibi Trunks away for herself.
Pan: Hey! What are you doing?!
Chibi Trunks: Just trying to comfort you.
Pan: Yeah, well it's more discomforting then anything.
Chibi Trunks: You know you want me. So just say yes.
Pan: I can't beleive you! Your best friend is on his death bed and you want to get down?!Chibi Trunks: How about later then?
Pan: You creep!
Piccolo stands up and walks out of the shadows.
Piccolo: Beat it kid.
Chibi Trunks runs out of the room yelling.
Pan: Thanks.
Back on Earth, Xicor and Broly land on the look-out.
Xicor: Finaly.
Broly: Does that woman ever shut up?
Xicor: Wonder how Vegeta puts up with it.The two begin walking towards the temple.
Broly: She's just as ignorant as him.
Hell, she's probably the man of the house.They both start to laugh as they walk into the basement of the temple. Mr. Popo is in the way of the door to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
Mr. Popo: Piccolo told me not toallow anyone to enter.
Broly: Yeah, what ever.
Broly pushes Mr. Popo out of the way and tries to open the door, but it will not open as if it had been locked.
Xicor: Getting a little weak?
Broly grabs Mr. Popo around the neck.
Broly: Open it, now!
Narrator: Can Broly get the door open to continue Xicor's training? Will the Z Warrirors make it to Namek on time? Even if they do, will Goten be able to last that long without medical care or supplies? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 87: Welcome To Planet NamekNarrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, conflicts onthe space ship were unavoidable. A small conflict also began back on Earth as Mr. Popo refused to allow Broly and Xicor into the Hyperbloic Time Chamber.

Mr. Popo: I won't let you in.
Broly: Fine, but the Earth won't last five minutes with this training.
Broly lets go of Mr. Popo, and Broly and Xicor turn to the stairs.
Mr. Popo: You only have one day.
Broly and Xicor turn back around to face Mr. Popo.
Mr. Popo opens the door and Broly walks through.
Xicor: You made the right decision.
Xicor enters the chamber and the door closes behind him. Up in the space ship, chibi Trunks punches future Trunks in the face. Future Trunks is launched backwards and kicks Vegeta across the face. Vegeta grabs his leg and throws him back at chibi Trunks. The two Trunks' collide with eachother and hit the wall of the ship, shaking it. Everyone else is in the main control room. Krillan is watching the three train.
Krillan: They're going all out.
Piccolo: They better cool it down or we could be without a ship.
Down on planet Namek, Purunga's eyes glow red.
Purunga: Your wish has been granted.A green glow surrounds Dende.
Dende: Yes! Power!
Purunga: Do you have a final wish?
Back on Earth, at the Capsule Corp, Bulma, Chichi, Videl, Bra and Maron are sitting in the living room and drinking tea.
Bulma: They've gone to the home planet of Nameks to get the anitidote for Goten.
Maron: You mean there are other planets with life on them?
Bulma: Yeah, there's lots of them. I've been to a few myself. You could stay here with Bra and I until your parents return.
Maron: Thank you.
Videl: Is therea way we can contact their ship?
Bulma: Sure.Back on the ship, the people in the ship can see planet Namek through the front window, but it is covered in dark clouds.
Android 18: What do you think is going on down there?
Goku: Could be why we're all here.
Computer: Incoming transmission.
Videl's voice comes on the P.A. system.
Videl: Gohan can you hear me?
Gohan: Videl?
Pan: Mom?
Videl is interupted by Chichi.
Chichi: Goku, you better bring my boys back inone piece!
The transmission gets cut off. The ship begins to enter the atmosphere of planet Namek and is engulfed in fire.
Computer: Now approaching destination. Welcome, and enjoy your stay.
Narrator: Will this antidote be enough to cure Goten? And what could be wrong on planet Namek? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 88: Dende's A Warrior

Narrator: Last time on Dragon Ball AF, the Z Warriors continued their journey to Namek in order to get an antidote to save Goten's life.The ship flies through the black clouds. he ship lands on the planet.
Vegeta: We're here.The door of the ship opens and everyone walks out.
Krillan: I sense someone heading our way.
Piccolo: He probably saw the ship.
Pan: It must be night time.
Piccolo: There's never night on Namek.
There's three suns, but this darkness is because of the eternal dragon. Dende hasn't used all the wishes yet.
Android 18: He's here!The person approaching turns out to be Dende.
Dende handsthe anitdote to Goku.
Dende: Here's the cure.
Goku takes the cure back into the ship and dumps it into Goten's mouth.
Dende: It'll take a few minutes for the effects of the syrom to show.Goku and Dende walk back out of the ship.
Krillan: Hey Dende!
Dende: Hey Krillan!
Krillan: I could sense your energy when you were coming here.
I never knew you were so powerful.
Dende: I've been training to become a warrior while I was here.
Goten walks out of the ship and yawns.
Goten: What happened?
Goten opens his eyes and realizes that he is not at home.
Goten: Where am I?
Pan: Uncle Goten!
Pan runs up to Goten and gives him a big hug.
Chibi Trunks walks up to Goten.
Chibi Trunks: You got really sick and we had to bring you here to make you better.
Goten: So, am I better?
Dende: 100%
Trunks elbows Pan lightly on the shoulder and begins to whisper to her.
Chibi Trunks: So now that Goten's better....
Pan: The answer is still no!
Pan slaps chibi Trunks across the face. Vegeta grabs chibi Trunks and pulls him away from Pan.
Vegeta: Get over her, son.
There's no way I'm letting their family be a part of ourse.
Narrator: What could be this suprise? Why hasn't Dende used his final wish? All to be answered soon on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 89: Dende Shows Piccolo His Power

Narrator: Last time on Dragonball AF, the Z Warriors arrived at their destination to find that Dende, the former Guardian of Earth has now become a warrior. Goten was given the antidote and had his health restored in a manner of seconds.

Goku: Dende, why exactly did you want all of us to come here?
Dende: Actually, the suprise isn't ready yet. I was getting behind in my schedual, but you'll get it soon enough. Why don't you go explore the planet while you're here?
Chibi Trunks: Yeah!
Goten: Can we?!
Goku: Why not?The Z Warriors begin to fly off.
Dende: Piccolo, could you stay here? I'd like to chat.
The Z Warriors fly off into the distance.
Piccolo and Dende stay behind.
Piccolo: So what's really going on?
I know you couldn't gain this much power in a couple of moths.
Dende: You're right.
I asked the Namekian dragon to give me this power.
Piccolo: Since when are you interested in strenght?
Dende: I'm not, but it's nessessary if I am to survive my final wish.
Piccolo: Your final wish?
Dende: You're a Namek, I have a feeling you some what know what will happen. So too keep you from ruining rhis, I'll have tomake sure you won't get in the way.
Piccolo: Then lets just see how much you've actually improoved.
Dende: Alright.Dende begins to power up to his max.
Piccolo: (Thinking) Not bad.Piccolo begins to power up as well.
Wind is gernerated from them both. Sand and dust flies into the sky and is pushed away. Off in thedistance, the Z Warriors sense the power levels and turn around.
Goku: They're fighting?Goku turns around to see that the others have already continued flying.
Goku: Hey! Wait for me!Goku chases after the others.
Goten: Trunks, look.Goten points to a village.
Chibi Trunks: A village! Lets chexk it out.
Chibi Trunks and Goten fly down to the Namekian village, followed by the rest of the Z Warriors. The buildings are round and made of grey clay. The windows on each building have a blue tint to them. Silence is all the can be heard through the ghost town.
Krillan: Hello?!Goten: Is there a restaurant here?
Vegeta: hey're probably all afraid and hiding. Those chicken shits.
Vegeta kicks thought a door of a Namekian home. Vegeta peeks inside and walks back out. Guess I was wrong.
Narrator: Where have all the people of Namek disappeared too? Could this be the suprise that Dende talked about?Back at the fight, Dende and Piccolo stop powering up. Both of them have a green glow surrounding them.

Piccolo: Stale mate.
Narrator: Why would Dende need to get rid of Piccolo? What could Piccolo possibly know that could be so threatning to him? Will he really try to dispose of Piccolo. See it all next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 90: Dende's Evil Wish

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Dende was acting strangely and challenged Piccolo to a fight. The Namekian villages were abandoned. Could all these happenings have something to do with Dende's third wish?The Z Warriors arrive at the Elder Namek's house. There, all the Namekian people are gathered. Goku begins talking with the elder.

Goku: What's going on here?
Goten: Is it a party?
Guru: A war is coming, but it must be done.
Pan: Oh, great. Isn't that lovely.
Chibi Trunks: No nearly as lovely as you.
Vegeta smacks chibi Trunks on the back of the head.
Vegeta: Cut that out! Now what kind of war is this?
Guru: One of pure evil.
Back at the fight, Dende begins punching at Piccolo. Piccolo is blocking every shot. Piccolo roundhouse kicks Dende away and powers up a Ki technique.
Piccolo launches a dozen Ki balls that surround Dende.
Piccolo: I don't want to do this, but if I must.Piccolo smacks his hands together and the Ki balls all come together with Dende in the middle.
A force field of Ki surrounds Dende just in time. The Ki balls hit the shield and begin to push in on it. The shield enlarges again with enough force to send the balls of engery bouncing of the shield in every which direction. Some of the Ki balls hit the ground and water, creating little explosions.
Dende: Nice try.
Dende charges at Piccolo and kicks Piccolo in the chin, knocking him higher into the sky. Dende begins launching blasts at Piccolo, all of which make contact and explode. A Special Beam Canon is launched out of the smoke and down at Dende. It hits Dende and goes through his stomach. Dende falls to the ground and his stomach begins to regenerate. Once healed, Dende tips up back onto his feet. He then begins to fly towards the smoke. Piccolo flies out of the smoke and charges at Dende. They both point a hand at each other as they fly at eachother.

Piccolo & Dende: LIGHT GRENADE!
They are so close together that the two attacks are touching as soon as they are created. Both of the light grenades explode in both of their face. Both Piccolo and Dende are knocked away from each other. Piccolo crashes into the side of a mountain. Dende on the other hand, manages to regain control of himself before he can hit anything.
Piccolo: Why are you doing this?
Dende: I suppose I can tell you.
Kabito Kai came to the elder of planet Namek and told him that the ballance between good and evil has been corrupted. he said there is not enough evil to ballance out with the good. He made us a deal, I have to revive that most powerful villians and if any get off this planet alive, then they are free to do as they wish.
Piccolo: You can't do this!
Dende: It doesn't look like you'll be able to stop me.
Dende charges at Piccolo again and goes to punch. Expecting the punch, Piccolo closes his eyes. Dende stops himself and opens his fist, pointing the paml of his hand at Piccolo's face. Piccolo opens his eyes and looks at Dende. Dende launches a blast right in Piccolo's face. The blast knocks Piccolo through the mountain and into the ocean. Piccolo floats out of the water.
Piccolo: What about your people? Are you just abandoning them? Half of them can't survive us and we are nothing compared to what you plan to release back into this world.
Dende: It must be done.
Piccolo: If it must be done, he can do it himself.
Dende: The ballance must be restored, but you, Goku, and everyone else is here to make sure that it will remain unballanced.
Back at the Elder Namek's house, the Nameks are still waiting for the wish to be granted.Guru: I'm glad you could all make it.
Goku: I woudn't mind helping you out, but who's starting this war?
Guru: We don't know yet.Guru begins to speak to Dende telepathically.
Guru: (Thinking) Dende, hurry.
The Nameks are getting restless.
Dende: Right. Okay, Piccolo, I'd love to show you more of my power, but I have to cut it short.
Narrator: Will Dende really make such a wish, even if asked by Kabito Kai? Can Piccolo stop this from happening? And will the Z Warriors find out about Dende's evil wish to revive the worse villians that ever lived? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 91: The Z Warriors Prepare

Narrator: Last time, our heroes explored the home planet of the Nameks and found them all in one place, preparing for a war. Dende's and Piccolo'd fight began and Dende sson told him of his plan to bring back the evil into the world. Can Dende be stopped? Find out today on Dragon Ball AF!

Piccolo: Dende, you need to stop this madness now!
Dende: Yes, I am done with you.
Dende charges at Piccolo and punches him across the face three times. Dende uppercuts Piccolo, who is sent upwards because of it. Dende grabs Piccolo's leg and throws him down at the ground, but Piccolo manages to regain control of himself. Dende then kicks Piccolo in the face. Piccolo falls and hits the ground near some water. Dende launches several blasts down at Piccolo. The blasts explode and create a little crater. Water begins to enter and fill the crater.
Dende: That should be enough. Now for my wish.
Dende flies off towards the eternal dragon. Piccolo crawls along the ground out of the water.
Piccolo: Dende, why?Piccolo faints.
Goku senses that the fight has finished.
Goku: Dende won?
Gohan: But why did he leave Piccolo there?
Goku instant transmits himself over to Piccolo, grabs on to Piccolo's arm and instant transmits both of them back to the others.
Future runks: He looks badly beaten.
Guru: I'll heal him.
Guru places both of his hands over Piccolo's body and begins to heal him. Once back to perfect health, Piccolo stands up.
Piccolo: Am I too late?
Krillan: For what?
Piccolo: Dende is going to rlease the evil hearted people from hell. That's what he's using his last with for.
Goku: Is that the war you were talking about?Guru nods.
Piccolo: We have to stop him.
Vegeta: I say we let him make his wish. I know I can take on anything that decides to come out and face me.
Piccolo: You don't understand. If he makes his wish, it could bring back so many powerful beings and guess where most of them will go.
Android 18: Earth.
Krillan: And we're here.Piccolo: Earth would be destroyed.
Vegeta: What ever.The Z Warriors fly off to find Dende.
Guru: No, you don't understand.
Back on Earth, Bra, Maron and Bulma are in a car driving in the country side. The car runs out of gas and comes to a stop.Bulma: Great, stuck in the middle of no where with no gas. This couldn't get any worse.It suddenly begins to rain.
Bulma: RRR!!
I hope they are having better luck on Namek.Back on Namek, Dende reaches the eternal dragon of Namek, Purunga.Narrator: What will happen once Dende's wish is granted? Can the Z Warriors take on anyone that is brough back to life? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 92: The Wish Granted
Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, what started as a friendly match turned into a brawl when Dende revealed that his suprise was actually a wish to bring the dead to life. Dende managed to defeat Piccolo and is now on his way to make his final wish.Purunga: You have kept me waiting long enough. What is your final wish?Dende begins speaking in the Namekian language.Dende: Ig nais loghein ormnais allob brastrom....Purunga: How many times do I have to say this, I do not grant wishes made in the Namekian language anymore.Dende: Right, sorry. I wish for you to revive all of the Z Warrior's greatest opponents.Purunga: I'll see what can be done.Purunga's eyes begin to glow an erie red and then return to normal.Purunga: Your wish has been granted.Purrunga returns into the dragon balls and the balls seperate arounf the planet again. The Z Warriors realize that the drak clouds have disappeared, meaning that the last wish was granted.Piccolo: Too late!Krillan: Oh man!Future Trunks: Now what?Krillan: Let's find Dende and get the hell out of here.Dende: (Thinking) There, it is done.The ground beneeth Dende begins to shake. He flies up into the sky. Nearly 20 Saibamen burrow out of the ground and charge at Dende. Dende takes off and is heading towards the Z Warriors.Piccolo: Dende made the wish so he can stay behind.Pan: There! He's coming!Pan points off into the distance. Dende is heading straight in their direction, floowed by the Saibamen. Dende flies on past the Z Warriors and heads towards the other Nameks.The Saibamen stop following Dende and turn their attention to the ZWarriors as they giggle, preparing for their attack.Goten: They look weak.Goten charges at one of the Saibamen. That Saibamen clings itself onto Goten and self destructs itself.Goku: No!Chibi Trunks: Goten!The smoke clears and Goten is still floating there. The only damage done to him is that his clothing is ripped. Three other Saibamen jump at Goten. Goten transforms into a Super Saiyan. His energy increase sends the Saibamen backwards. The Saibamen surround Goten in a circle and launch acid from their heads at Goten. The acid is being launched from every direction. Goten flies upwards and the acid ends up on the Saibamen, which then melt and die.Krillan: Maybe that's all that was revived.Piccolo: I doubt it.Narrator: Could the dragon only have had enough power to revive the Saibamen? Or will there be more deadlier opponents up ahead? More to come on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!
Episode 93: Cell Has ReturnedNarrator: Previously on Dragon Ball AF, Dende successfully made his wish, but was bombarded by evil Saibabmen. He managed to find the Z Warriors, who, inturn, easily took care of the pesky creatures.Krillan: Think we should get back to the Nameks?Piccolo: That's what I'm going to do. I suggest that everyone do the same. There's safety in numbers.Vegeta: It's too late. I sense large power levels appearing all around the planet.Goku: I sense it too.Piccolo: No! There's one near the elder's house!Goku: That power, it can't be.Goku grabs the nearest person to him, future Trunks, and instant transmits both of themaway. Back at the Elder's house, A couple of Namekian warriors are lying on the ground, bleeding and dead.Cell is floating in the sky just above.Namekian: No, Sherek!Cell: Is there anyone else that wants to try to save this planet, or can I finish this without interuptions?Another Namekian warrior charges at Cell. Cell just points two fingers at the Namek and launches a purple Death Beam at the Namek. The Death Beam goes through the Namekian's head. The Namek falls back to the ground, dead. Goku and future Trunks appear infront of Cell.Goku: I thought it was you.Cell: Well, well. Still alive and ticking I see. Good thing too. These Namekians are getting a little tedious.Future Trunks sees the injured Nameks.Future Trunks: Goku, let me take care of this. I still remember what his kind did to my world, and I have a hunger for revenge.Goku: Alright, careful though. He's had years to train in hell.Future Trunks: He's not the only one. You just get the Nameks somewhere safe.Goku nods and flies off with the Nemaks following close behind.Goku: Come on, follow me.Cell: Why did he leave me with an incompetent warrior such as yourself?Future Trunks: So I can show you who the real incompetent warrior is.Cell: You insolent little brat!Future trunks powers up into a Super Saiyan 2.Future Trunks: Let's get this over with.Cell: Someone sure is in a hurry to die. Very well, I 'll see to it that you're put down like the animal you are!Cell powers up aswell to match future Trunks' power.Future Trunks: I'll make you wish you were never created.Cell: Like wise.They both charge at eachother. Future Trunks goes to punch, but Cell blocks with his fore arm. Cell goes to punch and future Trunks dodges it. Future Trunks take the sword from it's sheath and cuts off Cell's fist before Cell can pull his arm back. Cell moans in pain. Future Trunks drop kicks Cell on the side of the head. Cell falls to the ground. Future Trunks drops to the ground. Cell's fist begins to regenerate and grow back.Cell: I hope that's not all you have, cuz I'm only warming up.Future Trunks charges at Cell and begins slashing at Cell with his sword. Cell falls into pieces.Future Trunks: BURNING ATTACK!!Future Trunks launches the Burning Attack at the pieces of Cell. The pieces are only broken dowen into even smaller pieces. Of course, that doesn't stop them from regenerating and growing back together. Future Trunks realizes this and jumps into the air. He begins launching more Burning Attacks down at Cell, which explode. Future Trunks just stares at the smoke, wondering if he succeeded. A blast of energy is launched at Future Trunks from inside the smoke. Future Trunks zilches out of the blast's path and behind Cell to back hand him away. Cell is sent rolling out of the smoke. Cell stands back up and is body chucked by future Trunks. Cell is sent rolling even further.Narrator: How much more of a beating is Cell willing to take before he will show his true power? Will Trunks be able to withstand his might? And will the Nameks be safe anywhere on this planet, now? More to come on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!
Episode 94: Trunks, Super Saiyan 4 VS CellNarrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Cell had returned from hell and began terrorizing the people of Namek, but it wasn't long before Goku and Trunks showed up to save the day. Trunks decided to fight Cell first to allow Goku to get the Namek to safety.Goku and the NAmeks arrive at one of the Namekian Villages.Goku: Get inside and stay hidden.The Nameks rush into the houses and Goku flies off. Back on Earth, inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Broly and Xicor are continuing their training as Mystic Saiyans. Broly charges up a punch. Xicor crosses his arms to block. Broly delivers the punch and as soon as the punch hits Xicor's arm, an explosion happens.Xicor's arms are torn off of him as he flies back. Broly usues his Gigantic Press technique on Xicor. Xicor is plowed in the face and is sent falling to the ground. Xicor's arms grow back.Broly: More! Fight with everything you have!Xicor stands back up and places his hands to his side.Xicor: WARP KAMEHAMEHA!!Xicor launches the Warp Kamehameha Wave at Broly, who just lets it hit him, and the blast explodes. Broly emmerges from the cloud of smoke with steam coming off of his body.Xicor: Oh shit.Back on Namek, future trunks is punching at Cell, while Cell is blocking every shot. Future Trunks manages to get one punch in across Cells' face. He then spin kicks Cell in the stomach to knock him back. Future Trunks pulls his sword from it's sheath andcuts off Cells head. Cell's head falls to the ground, but Cell's body remains standing on two feet. Future Trunks stabs his sword through Cell's head that is on the ground. Cell's head is fully regrown by the time future Trunks pulls his sword out of the old head. He manages to get himself away from Cell.Future Trunks: Had enough yet?Cell: I'm still just warming up, but why don't we turn up the heat.Cell powers up even more. Future Trunks powers up into a Super Saiyan 3.Future Trunks: I don't think you've seen a Super Saiyan 4, have you?Cell: Super Saiyan 4?Future Trunks powers up into a Super Saiyan 4.Cell: Haha! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.Future Trunks: Is it now?Future Trunks zilches behind Cell. Cell turns around, only to get a blast through the stomach. Future Trunks kicks Cell in the chest, knocking him back. Cell's stomach heals back to normal.Cell: My, my. You sure have amazing power, I never thought You'd be almost as strong as me.Future Trunks: What?Cells charges at future Trunks. Future Trunks power drives his sword at the oncoming Cell. Cell just holds his arm in the sword's path. The sword hits Cell's arm, but does not cut it this time. Future Trunks continues to push his sword down on Cell's arm as Cell pushes his arm up at the blade.Future Trunks: This can't be.Cell: You're finished!The sword's blade snaps in two over Cell's arm. Cell grabs the sword handle from future Trunks' hands and stabs the boken blade through future Trunks' chest. Future Trunks falls to the ground. Cell kicks the body away from him. Goku and Dende arrive to find Cell and the beaten future Trunks.Goku: Trunks!Cell looks up to see Goku and Dende.Cell: Goku, just in time.Goku: Cell, you've gone too far this time! Dende, please save Trunks.Dende looks down at the wounded warrior and then nods.Dende: I can do that.Cell floats up to Goku as Dende flies down at future Trunks and pulls the sword from his chest.Future Trunks: I'm sorry.Future Trunks faints.Narrator: Can Trunks be too far gone, even for Dende's healing abilities? Will Goku be able to defeat Cell? Or will he be beaten aswell? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!
Episode 95: Cell Is DefeatedNarrator: Last time on Dragon Ball AF, thanks to the wish made by Dende, Cell was fully revived and stronger then ever! Goku managed to get the Namekians to safety. Trunks stayed behind to fight with Cell. Even becoming a Super Saiyan 4 was not enough to topple this villian and Trunks payed the ultimate price.Cell: So how much have you imprroved? Have you acheived this Super Saiyan 4?Goku: Why don't I show you?Cell: Actions do speak louder then words.Goku powers up into a Super Saiyan 4.Cell: Wow, bravo.Dende begins to preform his healing technique on future Trunks.Cell: But I was expecting more from you.Goku: Well in that case, I think it's time to show you a stage you've never seen before, a Super Saiyan 5.Goku powers up into a Supre Saiyan 5.Cell: You...Your energy. It's too much!Future Trunks, as a Super Saiyan 4, flies up beside Goku.Future Trunks: I think you prooved your point. Let me have another shot at him.Goku: Watch yourself this time.Goku backs down and returns to the normal Saiyan level.Goku: He's all yourse.Cell: What makes you think this time will be any different then last time?Future Trunks: 'Cuz now I'll fight you with everything I got!Future Trunks powers up as he floats closer to Cell. Electricity and fire surrounds future Trunks as he powers up. Cell begins to back up. The other Z Warriors arrive to watch the fight. Future Trunks charges at Cell and goes to punch. Cell goes to block with his arm, but future Trunks' punch ends up ripping the arm off of Cell. Future Trunks blast the fallen off arm, completely destroying it. Future Trunks turns sideways in the air, and kicks Cell once in the back, and in the head with his other foot. Cell is sent falling to the ground. He manages to regain control of himself and turns back around. Future Trunks has his hands pointing right in Cell's face. Future Trunks Launches a blast at Cell's face. The blast explodes on impact and Cell falls, crashing to the ground.Vegeta: Trunks, stop wasting time and finish it!Future Trunks holds his hand infront of him, palm up. A red glowing energy surrounds his hand. He closes his hand to make a fist.Future Trunks: Why don't you try my BURNING FIST ATTACK!Cell charges back up at Future Trunks. Future Trunks punches Cell in the head with his energy charged fist. The energy is transfered into Cell and explodes him from the inside out. The red smoke disapates and Future Trunks is floating there alone. He lands on the ground and goes back to the normal Saiyan level.Back on Earth, Bulma, Bra and Maron arrive back at the Capsule Corp.Bulma: That's the last time I don't carry extra vehicle capsules.Bra: Well if you didn't try to cut through the forest, we would have been here sooner!Bulma: Well if you weren't afraid of everything that moves, we wouldn't have taken the wrong turn.Maron rolls her eyes.Maron: (Thinking) Is this all they can do?Narrator: Pressure is building between Bulma and Bra and it seems as thing are heating up on Namek aswell. What other Villans will the Earth's special forces find themselves fighting next? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!
Episode 96: Team Split UpNarrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Dende was able to heal Trunks, who immediately took control of the fight. Using his new technique, the Burning Fist Attack, He was able to put an end to Cell. Even with Cell's defeat, the war is far from over.The other Z Warriors float down and land beside future Trunks.Future Trunks: I did it!Vegeta: Took you long enough!Chibi Trunks: The new attack looked awesome! Teach me how to do it!Goten: Yeah, me too!Future Trunks: Not right now. It's one of those things you can't do to often.Goten looks up into the air and notices something.Goten: Hey, what are those?Goten points, and everyone looks up to see 7 Cell Jr's.Chibi Trunks: They look like little Cells.Goku: That's exactly what they are.Future Trunks: But they're just as strong as Cell himself!Chibi Trunks: Yeah, whatever. Come on, Goten.Chibi Trunks floats up to the snickering Cell Jr's.Goten: Ummm, okay.Goten floats up beside chibi Trunks. They both transform into Super Saiyan 4's and preform the fusion dance.Chibi Trunks & Goten: FU...SION....HA!!!The two fuse into Gotenks, Super Saiyan 4.Gotenks: This should be strong enough for you weaklings.The Cell Jr's just look at eachother and then charge at Gotenks. One of them goes to punch Gotenks. Gotenks blocks the punch and then punches that Cell Jr away. Gotenks kicks another one of the Cell Jr's away. One of them finaly get a punch on Gotenks. This small attack was enough to allow the other six Cell Jr's to get close enough. Gotenks is completely surrounded and gets pounded by all seven of them at once. Gotenks powers up into a Super Saiyan 5. His energy flux pushes the Cell Jr's away, enough to create a space between him and them. The Cell Jr's begin to close in on Gotenks again.GALLACTIC DONUT!!Gotenks jumps up above the little monsters and throws the ring of energy around them, capturing every single one.Gotenks: Haha! Got you! Now for the finishing move. SUPER GHOST KAMIKAZE ATTACK!!Gotenks takes a deep breath and then releases seven Kamikaze Ghosts from his mouth. Gotenks: Get them, boys!The Kamikaze Ghosts charge at the Cell Jr's. The Cell Jr's manage to break free of the Gallactic Donut, just before the Kamikaze Ghosts hit them. Never the less, the ghosts make contact with their targets and explode. The smoke clears and there is only one Cell Jr left. The last of the little demons has a frightened look upon his face. He turns around and begins to fly away, but Gotenks ends up appearing infront of him. Gotenks punches into the Cell Jr's stomach. Gotenks creates a Ki ball inside the stomach. Cracks with light shining through them begin to appear around the Cell Jr's body. The Cell Jr explodes, killing him. Gotenks powers down and rejoins the others.Gotenks: That was too easy.Vegeta: Don't get too cocky. There's still more out there.Piccolo: We best split up if we are to stop them before any more harm will come.Dende: I'm going back to my people.Piccolo: That's probably best.Gotenks goes off on his own. Krillan and Android 18 fly off together.Everyone else flies off in their own direction.Narrator: Splitting up would be quicker, but without the help of eachother, will they be able to overthrow who ever may stand in their way? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!
Episode 97: Okster Has ReturnedNarrator: On the last episode of Dragon BAll AF, Goten and Trunks fused into Gotenks to take on the seven vile Cell Jr's. He was forced to become a Super Saiyan 5, inorder to defeat them all. It was then that the Z Warriors decided that they were to split up to save the planet before all hell breaks loose.Back on Earth, over in South City, workers are trying to clean up the mess left by Broly and Xicor during their fight against Okster. A Crane lifts a piece of concrete off of the ground. Okster's battered body is lying underneeth it. He is missing a leg, an arm, and has several holes through his body.Worker: Some poor soul didn't make it.Suddenly, Okster's eyes open wide.Okster: AHHHH!Okster's lost limbs regenerate aswell as the hole through his body.Worker: Holy shit!Thw workers begin to run from Okster as he begins to float into the air. Okster powers up and releases all his energy. A shockwave of red energy tears throught the entire town, completely destroying it and all the inhabitants. Over in Satan City, Videl sensed the explosion.Videl: What was that?Over on the tropical island that Broly lives on, Jeanin sense that explosion aswell.Jeanin: He's back? Broly, why'd you go easy on him?Jeanin flies off towards South City. Back at South City, or atleast what's left of it, Okster is checking himself out.Okster: I don't know how this is possible. I should be dead, but I feel twice as strong, even more. Maybe those Z characters are at the look-out.Okster flies off towards the look-out. Over in West City, Bulma, Bra and Maron are watching the news o TV.Announcer: The entire South City went completely missing after an alien creature was found. A video camera, that was found among the ruins, captured this disturbig event on flim.The film plays and it shows Okster being unburied and then him exploding the entire city. The screen goes staticy and then returns to the announcer.Announcer: The same creature was seen in South City almost two weeks ago when he tore the main street apart. It is believed that the explosion was caused by him selfdestucting.Bulma turns off the TV.Bra: Was that Koroen? He looks sort of different.Bulma: No, it's Okster, Koroen's father. Vegeta told me about him.Maron: He's not dead, is he?Bulma: I doubt it. (Thinking) They better hurry up.Videl and Jeanin meet up at South City.Videl: Everyone is gone to Namek. What are we going to do?Jeanin: Not everyone. Broly is at that look-out and I think that's where Okster is heading.Videl: He may need our help.Videl and Jeanin begin to fly off towards the look-out tower. Up on the look-out, Okster lands on the floor. He walks into the throne room and sits on the throne.Okster: All of this is mine!Okster notices Mr. Popo and launches a blast at him, killing him. The blast also knocks a hole through the wall, and leading back outside.Okster: All MINE!!Narrator: Will the Z Warriors come back to Earth to defeat Okster? Will Broly and Xicor exit the time chamber and destroy Okster for good? Or will Videl and Jeanin be forced to fight the tyrant themselves? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!
Episode 98: Okster Is The King
Episode 99: Xicor's Newest Powers
Episode 100: Broly And Xicor VS Okster
Episode 101: Turles?
Episode102: Another Super Saiyan 4
Episode 103: Future Trunks Is Down
Episode 104: Goten And Trunks Fail
Episode 105: Kooler?
Episode 106: Gogeta VS The Deadly Duo
Episode 107: Kooler And Turles Defeated
Episode 108: The Evile Garlic Jr.
Episode 109: Garlic Jr. Defeated
Episode 110: Nappa, A Super Saiyan?
Episode 111: Dende Needs Helps
Episode 112: Gohan, Kill Nappa
Episode 113: An Old Enemy
Episode 114: Vegeta VS Vegeta?!
Episode 115: Majin Vegeta Falls
Episode 116: An Old Brother
Episode 117: Raditz, Super Saiyan 3
Episode 118: Pan Is A Hot Girl, But Not Weak
Episode 119: Raditz Defeated
Episode 120: Lord Slug Is Back
Episode 121: Clash Of The Nameks
Episode 122: The Return Of Kid Buu
Episode 123: Goku, What's Wrong?
Episode 124: Kid Buu Retreats
Episode 125: Hildegarn Appears
Episode 126: History Repeats Itself
Episode 127: Baby's Revival
Episode 128: Goku, What Are You Doing?
Episode 129: Baby Goku
Episode 130: Stop Goku
Episode 131: Gohan And Vegeta Team Up
Episode 132: Goku's Back To Normal
Episode 133: A New Transformation
Episode 134: Back To Planet Earth
Episode 135: Pan's Boyfriend


Episode 136: Pan Changes Lovers

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Everyone returned back to Earth. Pan finaly decided to give Trunks a chance, but she dumped him just as he asked her to a party.
Gohan: Pan, how many times do I have to tell you? The answer is no! You're too young to go on your own.
Pan thought about it for a brief second then scowled.
Pan: I fly around the world on my own! So why can't I go to a damn party!?
She smacked the wall next to her hard with her fist, causing plaster and dust to rain down.
Videl: The only people to go to those parties are idiotic guy's trying to score. I don't want you there and that's final.
Pan: I'm not gonna lose my virginity to some punk, am I? I just want to go have some fun for once. It's isn't healthy for a girl to be locked inside her house while her parents are away ALL THE TIME!!
Gohan folded his arms and gave his daughter an angered look.
Gohan: If we weren't away all the time little lady you wouldn't be living in this house, that's for certain. You'd be out on the street on your own!
Pan: Well it would be no different except I'd be outside!
Pan ran to the front door opened it and shouted to her father.
Pan: Just so you know I won't be speaking to you starting now!
She bent her legs down and launched up taking flight with an explosive start. The kick back created from her slightly raised power level trashed half the hallway and blew an antique kitchen table through the back wall, almost flattening the neighbours' cat. Pan flew as fast and as hard as she possibly could, she felt a little better being out of the house, but was still annoyed with her father.
Pan: (Thinking) What kind of girl does he think I am? Some kind of slut? I'd never think twice about going with one of those jerks.
She thought about leaving home for good. A girl like herself could easily win money in all kinds of martial arts competitions, but then again she wasn't old enough to have her own place.
Pan: (Thinking) Right. What would Grandpa Goku do?
She thought about it then smirked.
Pan: Oh yeah, he'd go eat. Silly question really. What would Grandapa Hercule do? Hide from the nearest bad guy. Go train!Throwing her fist in the air in triumph.
She realised that she had been flying for a long time, it hadn't occurred to her where she actually was. It was a long chain of rocky islands, each one about a quarter mile in diameter. Pan decided one of the islands would be a good place to train as any other. No people in the way so she could go all out. She dropped down to the one directly below her. It looked like any normal volcanic island. There were no trees, wild life, plants or grass, just looked like a wasteland. She did a few stretching exercises then wondered what she would do first. She saw a pire like rock, standing straight up in the air, the surface looked flat, even untouched by weather.
Pan: KA...ME...HA...ME...Before she said the last ha, she powered up to nearly max.
The energy in her hands felt like liquid, the dust and sand at her feet flew out away from her. She gritted her teeth and prepared herself.
Pan: HA!!!
The ki energy she had gathered released itself like a shock wave. It crashed hard into the rock, a moment later shattering it completely, the ground beneath her shook as the rocks tumbled and fell.
Pan: (thinking) I bet Grandpa would have liked that one.
She saw many other rock formations she could fry, but Pan decided she should train and not flatten the entire island. Or at least not so soon.
Bra: You flattened my rock.
Some one said from behind her. Pan froze, unsure why she hadn't "felt" that person approach. She turned and looked and saw Bra standing there. With her confident smile on her face.
Pan: Not your rock any more.
Bra: You talk as though you want to fight, I wouldn't advise it.
Pan: So what if I am? I don't think that big old rock was yours any way. Which makes me curious of why you're here. So come on, what are you doin here?
Bra smirked and brushed some of her blue hair out of her face. She wore denim jeans and a plain white T-shirt that clung to her body, showing her shapely form.
Bra: I sensed your power level rise about ten minutes ago and I was just curious to what was going on. So if you're gonna be a stuck up brat about it I'll just leave.
Pan: No wait. I'm sorry, I'm just really annoyed with my dad. He won't let me have a life. My mom never says anything so I feel like a total slave at home.
Bra nodded slowly, taking in everything the young martial artist said.
Bra: Want someone to take your anger out on?
It was more of a statement than a question. It was obvious that Bra had come to challenge Pan anyway. Pan didn't reply even though she didn't have to. After she'd steadied her breathing like she'd been trained to do she launched backwards and swung a fist at Bra. Bra dodged easily and swung an upward strike of her own. This was more to test the girl. Pan raised her knee to block it then immediately struck out with her leg. Bra moved her head to the side and smirked.
Bra: Nice shot Pan, but I think...She was cut short as a ki blast sailed just wide of her face making her hair flip wildly.
Bra: (Thinking) Wow. She could have hit me but she didn't, I wond...Pan: HA!!!
Bra looked up just in time to see Pan finish her Kamehameha. That blast had been a decoy, the Kamehameha was what Pan had wanted to do.
Bra: (Thinking) Clever girl.Bra took the full force of the blast and when the smoke cleared she smirked at the girl.
Bra: Nice try Pan, but if Vegeta couldn't hurt me with a Big Bang then your attacks won't do much either.
Bra noticed that Pan's expression didn't change a bit. But she also knew she had hit a soft spot in the girl. Pan had always hated being taunted, especially by Bra. She took a moment to study Pan a little more. Pan had grown up quite well. Her body was slender and agile, hiding incredible strength, just like Bra's. Pan did look like a tomboy but she was beautiful. Bra admired the girl in a way. Her beauty was natural, her wild personality showing on the out side. She always exposed her midriff with the tops she wore, Bra had noticed it before but never mentioned it either. She had found it attractive.
Bra: You know Pan, maybe you just need a boy friend. I mean you're how old?
Pan: No way! I'm not letting some male pervert lay his stinkin paws on me!
Bra: Okay, what about a girl friend?Pan blushed and stuttered.
Pan: Wha-what? I-I...uhh...but, I-I'm n...not.Bra: I thought so. Tell you what Pan. If you win I'll go find you a nice cute boy friend who you can boss around. How does that sound?Pan: Well...I...Pan struggled to answer but found she couldn't.
Bra: Or maybe if you win I could go find you a nice girl friend?
Bra walked over to Pan and placed a hand on her shoulder. Pan shuddered and looked up into Bra's sapphire blue eyes.
Bra: You like me don't you? I always thought you liked girls. You never had a boy friend even with your figures.
Pan wanted to run away screaming. She knew Bra was right. She'd known it was true for a long time. She'd had a crush on a lot of girls but had never done anything about it before. One of her biggest crushes was with Bra. Pan had been entranced when she had first seen her. Even though she was young she'd thought Bra was pretty. But now that she was all grown up, Pan knew she was more than just "pretty" she was absolutely stunning.Bra always impressed people with her looks. That was certain, her eyes, her hair, everything fitted perfection. Her body was that of a well-formed woman. A models figure, stunning, so very stunning. Even now, fantasies and thoughts about the woman raced through her mind. Pan tried to forget them but she couldn't help it, she imagined what the beauty would do to her if she'd asked.
Bra: What is it Pan? Tell me?Pan: I...I can't'd...Bra: I wouldn't. I already know but I want you to tell me.
Pan bowed her head so she wouldn't have to meet Bra's eyes.
Pan: Bra...I like girls. I always have. And I want one I can't have.
Bra: Me?Pan nodded.Bra: Then have me.
She embraced Pan and felt her stiffen with shock.
Bra: Kiss me Pan.Pan looked up and licked her lips instinctively.
Bra drew her closer; the woman's mouth so close. Pan feared she would wake up soon but she didn't. Instead she felt Bra's soft, moist lips touch her own, felt her tongue spread her lips open and push in softly. Pan whimpered in passion and astonishment. Her head buzzed lightly as she sucked the females tongue fully in and wrapped her arms securely around her waist. Bra carried Pan to the floor and straddled her hips, looking lustfully down at the panting girl. Bra placed her hands flat on Pan's stomach and rubbed her through the material of her T-shirt. She drew the T-shirt up over her head taking the bandana with it. Bra had expected as much, Pan wore no bra underneath her red T-shirt. Her breasts rose up from her chest capped by light pink nipples sticking up. Bra watched the rise and fall of Pan's breasts, watched for a few moments, Pan's cheeks began turning a light pink. Bra brought her hands up and started massaging Pan's breasts. Kneading the nipples softly with her thumbs, Bra felt them start to grow rigid, Pan let out a loud groan.
Bra: Enjoying yourself Pan?
She stopped rubbing one and lowered her mouth down, making slow circles around Pan's nipple with her tongue. Pan lost her breath when she felt Bra's mouth take her in. She never imagined she could feel pleasure this intense. Bra's arms slipped around, under Pan's back and lifted her. Pan let her head hang down, entirely lost in ecstasy.
Pan: Oh Bra...She felt the front of her pants become moist, inside it felt sticky.
She felt so embarrassed.
Pan: Bra I've...Bra: Not yet you haven't.
Bra unbuttoned Pan's jeans and slowly pulled down the zipper. Pan raised her hips and Bra pulled the pant's roughly down her lover's legs. Bra slowly parted the girls legs and began a trail of kisses down Pan's stomach further and further down. Pan knew what was coming next, she wanted it bad, the few seconds that it took seemed to last an eternity and not long enough at the same time.
Pan: Oh my god...Bra...Please keep going.Bra had no intention of disappointing her.
She kissed her lovers light brown hair and moved down just a little more. Pan almost exploded when she felt the woman's lips meet her vagina. She moaned and writhed on the ground, lost in her own little world. She felt Bra's tongue on her soft, moist folds. Bra’s fingers teasing her. Then Bra's toungue touched her clit, attentively licking and stimulating her. Felt one of her lovers fingers enter her. Move in slowly then out, in and out. Her snatch was slick with her juices, Bra's fingers working her effortlessly. Pan felt full, about to explode, she required release, and she wasn't far.
Pan: Oh...god! I'm...ah! Ahn! I'm Cumming, Bra...I...I'm- AHHHHNNNNN!!
Pan screamed loud, her inner muscles contracting then she released her sweet female cum, Bra continued touching her, letting Pan ride out her orgasm until the end. Once Pan was done Bra lapped the juices from her exhausted lover, cleaning her well.
Pan:Bra, thank you.
Bra: Think nothing of it. You'll have a chance to repay me tonight.
My dad is out and my Mother is sleeping at a friend's house. You can have me all night.Pan couldn't believe her ears. Bra had just invited her to sleep with her. All night, that would mean they would have sex again.
Pan: Bra?
Bra:Yes, Pan?
Pan: Let me repay you now.
Bra: You're too tired Pan. Later.
The grown woman got off and watched Pan breathe heavily.
She truly was gorgeous, no wonder she could never have resisted her.
Bra: I'll get your pants.
She winked and moved to collect them. She felt Pan's arms wrap her waist, her other went under between her legs grabbing her crotch.
Bra: Pan.
Pan: Yes Bra?
Bra: You do know I don't need to be pleased right now don't you?
Pan: Yes, but you're in the same position I use to please myself.
Pan finished her sentence by sliding her hand under Bra's T-shirt and cupping one of her breasts under her bra. Her other hand trailed down the front before slipping under the waistband of Bra's jeans. Easily entering her panties, sliding further
Pan: Wow Bra, smooth City, I thought as much.
Bra felt her fingers circle her pussy, lightly grazing over her clit. The nipple in Pan's fingers grew stiff and Pan nipped and twisted it, forcing a groan out of the busty woman. She continued her assault on Bra's tit, alternating pleasure and pain. Bra seemed to grow hot, rubbing her body; Pan not allowing her access to her Vagina. Bra groped her own breasts and stomach, her fingers hot and slippery on her skin.
Bra: Pan.
Pan pushed and rubbed Bra's clit. Forcing her pussy to become wet. The sticky clear fluids saturated the girls fingers, a musty smell drifted up Pan’s nose. The smell was almost sweet, turning her on even more. Pan moved her hand away from Bra's nipple and pushed it into Bra’s pantie’s, she got some of Bra's juices and sucked on her wet fingers, savouring the sweet taste of her lover.
Pan: You taste good.Bra smiled and groaned, touching herself
Bra: You’re really good at this Pan. Just where did you learn to do this?
Pan: I already told you. This is the same way I please myself, so I know exactly what to do.
Pan placed both hands on Bra's vagina and started rubbing, soon her fingers were inside Bra whilst her thumbs rubbed the almost solid clit on the outside. Bra all but fell to the ground. Pan went with her and the two lay together. Pan still massaging Bra's insides. Bra writhed and cried out, her breathing became heavy and harsh. She moaned constantly and whimpered every time Pan moved her fingers in deeper, scoring her fingers along Bra’s G-spot. Bra sreamed out loud as the full force of her orgasm hit, her body jolting with each spasm of pure pleasure.
Bra: Oh, Pan I love you, I love you so much.
Pan: Maybe we should go clean up now, I'd love a shower...with you.
Bra: Good idea, let's go.
Now that Pan is finaly with the girl of her dreams nothing can go wrong. Or can it? What strange new happenings will destroy her fantasies? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 137: Baby Is Still Alive
Episode 138: What's Wrong With Gogeta?
Episode 139: Baby Gogeta
Episode 140: Gogeta's Rampage
Episode 141: Alpha Dragon Ball
Episode 142: Vegeta, Goku, Where Are You?
Episode 143: Gohan's Mystic Powers Won't Work
Episode 144: What's This? A Super Saiyan 6?
Episode 145: Gogeta's Loading Up
Episode 146: Gogeta, Stage 5
Episode 147: Baby Gogeta VS Gogeta
Episode 148: Gotenks Discovers A Weakness
Episode 149: Piccolo's New Power
Episode 150: Baby Gogeta Is Escaping
Episode 151: Find The Enemy
Episode 152: The Alpha Ball Is Found
Episode 153: What's This?
Episode 154: The Power Of A Super Saiyan 7
Episode 155: Round 2
Episode 156: Baby Gogeta Is Too Stong
Episode 157: Gogeta Knows The Weakness
Episode 158: Baby Gogeta Now Weak
Episode 159: Give Up
Episode 160: Baby Gogeta Defeated
Episode 161: Back To Roshi's Island
Episode 162: The New Form, Super Saiyan 7
Episode 163: Bulma's Explosion Of Anger