Saturday, July 5, 2008


Episode 52: Gogeta And Gotenks

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Dende ran into trouble in space as the ship ran into an asteroid field. After steering his way out of trouble, he found himself in more as a fire was blazing out of control onbord the ship. Dende managed to save himself again by splitting the ship in half.back on Earth, Goku, Vegeta, Goten, chibi Trunks and Xicor are in the Diablo Desert.

Vegeta: Why the hell did you drag me all the way out here?

Goku: Xicor needs training.

Vegeta: I knew coming here was a waiste. You could do that yourself.

Goku: Well, Gogeta and Gotenks would be a greater chalange to Xicor.

Vegeta: Fine.Goten and chibi Trunks preform the fusion dance.

Goten & Chibi Trunks: FU....SION...HA!The two become

Gotenks. Goku and Vegeta then preform the fusion dance.

Goku & Vegeta: FU....SION...HA!

The two become Gogeta.

Xicor: Who do I fight first?

Gogeta: No one. For the first half n' hour, you'll just watch me and Gotenks fight. Study our movements. You should always know your opponent.

Xicor: Okay.Gotenks and Gogeta get in their fighting stances.

Gogeta: Here we go.

Gogeta and Gotenks charge at each other. They both punch each other in the face. Gotenks knees Gogeta in the stomach. Gogeta glides back a bit. Both Gotenks and Gogeta transform into Super Saiyan 4's. Gotenks jumps up into the air and launches three blasts at Gogeta. Gogeta jumps up into the air and the blasts miss. Gogeta clutches Gotenks to the ground. Gotenks falls through the ground into an underground cave. Gogeta flies into the cave and Xicor follows.Gotenks is buried in a pile of rocks.

Xicor: Oh, he's down.Gotenks climbs out of the rocks.

Gotenks: Don't count me out, Xicor.

Gotenks charges at Gogeta.

Gogeta: Stop!Gotenks stops in mid air.

Gotenks: What gives?

Gogeta: I just remembered, Xicor can't sense power levels. We should teach him, that way he couls know his opponent's limits.

Gotenks: Yeah, you're right.Gogeta powers up.

Gogeta: Okay, make your Ki stretch from your tantien to mine. Once the connection is made, you should have a wierd feeling in your stomach.

Xicor: Yes, I feel it.

Gogeta: The stronger the feeling, the higher the power level of your opponent is. After enough practice, you can sense your opponent without making the connection.

Gotenks: One thing all great warriors do is make up their own techniques.

The three fly out of the cave.Xicor how do I do that?

Gotenks: Be creative. I made the KAMIKAZEE GHOST!

Gotenks blows a Kamikazee Ghost out of his mouth. The ghost flies into the cave and explodes.

Xicor: Awesome!

Up on the look-out tower, Piccolo is in deep meditation while Mr. Popo fixes up the look-out. Piccolo awakes to find himself in an old, dark temple.

Piccolo: Where am I?

Narrator: Will Xicor use his new learned abilities for good? Where has Piccolo been brought? Could it be some dream? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 53: The Training Of Piccolo

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Gogeta and Gotenks helped Xicor become a beter fighter. Piccolo was meditating and somehow transproted to a wierd location.A voice comes from no where.

Spirit: I am the oldest Guardian of Earth. All who wish to watch over the Earth come here. But you're not the only one.

Piccolo: Only one for what?Piccolo turns around to see a warrior.

Piccolo: Who are you supposed to be?

Trezor: I'm Trezor, the one who will be the next Guardian of Earth.

Piccolo: The can be only one at a time.

Trezor: I was just about to suggest that myself.Piccolo charges at Trezor.

Trezor zilches behind Piccolo and punches him in the back. Piccolo flies forward. Piccolo turns around again. Trezor goes to punch Piccolo again, but Piccolo grabs Trezors fist and snaps Trezor's wrist. Piccolo then punches Trezor's elbow, making his arm bend the wrong way. Trezors kicks Piccolo away. Piccolo rolls across the floor. Piccolo stands back up and Trezor punches through Piccolo's stomach.

Piccolo: Didn't I break that arm?Trezor pulls his arm out of Piccolo.

Trezor: Yes, but I feel nothing. You should know better then to fight someone that has nothing to lose.Piccolo's stomach regenerates.

Piccolo: That's why you can't be the Guardian of Earth.Trezor disappears.

Spirit: You have passed the first test.

Back in the Diablo Desert, Goku is teaching Xicor some Karate.Goku: Okay Xicor, this is the Crouching Tiger stance. From this stance you can both defend and attack farely easily.Goku gets into a Crouching Tiger stance.

Vegeta: Why are you teaching him this useless stuff?

Goku: It's not useless, it's the basics. I learned all this, and you know how useful it can be. Remember Xicor, brute force alone is nothing if you don't know how to use it.

Xicor: Right.Back in this mysterious temple, Piccolo is waiting.

Spirit: People's biggest fear is their failure. This self doubt is their worst enemy, as well as their evil intensions.

Piccolo: What do you mean?

King Piccolo: Everyone wants something for themselves.

Piccolo turns around to see King Piccolo.

King Piccolo: Being the Guardian of Earth is like ruling the world, don't you think?

Piccolo: No, not at all. No one admires you when your all alone.

King Piccolo: What do you know? You've been a failure.

Piccolo: I refuse to fail this test!Piccolo launches a blast a King Piccolo and it goes through, but there's no hole.

King Piccolo: You can't stop me. Not without killing you. So join me and we shall rule the world, destroying anyone who may stand in our way.

Piccolo: Most of my life I've been hurting humans. No more. I'd rather die then hurt another.King Piccolo disappears.

Spirit: I think that's the fastest anyone defeated themselves. You Earthlings sure have plenty of determination. A new threat is about to show itself on Earth. I'll make your final, test to find your way out of this place.Back in the Diablo Desert, everyone is taking a break.

Goku: I think it's about time now. Xicor, we're going to put everything you've learned to the test.Goku and Vegeta preform the fusion dance.

Goku & Vegeta: FU....SION....HA!The two become Gogeta. Goten and chibi Trunks preform the fusion dance.Goten & Chibi Trunks: FU....SION...HA!The two Gotenks.

Gogeta: Now let's how much your skills have improoved.Xicor gets into a Crouching Tiger stance.

Narrator: Has Xicor's training been completed? Will Piccolo ever make it out and back to warn the others of this new terror? Could Xicor be this new terror that was spoken of? Find out on the episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 54: A New Warrior

Narrator: last time, Gogeta and Gotenks tarined Xicor, teaching tonz of martial arts techniques. Piccolo found himself trapped in a wierd place as he was faced with multiple chalenges. Piccolo prooved to be capable of passing each test. Piccolo was then informed of a new warrior that could be a threat to Earth. Could this prophesy be ture? Find out today, on Dragon Ball AF!

Xicor is in a Crouching Tiger stance. Gogeta charges toward Xicor and starts punching and kicking at him. Xicor blocks with his arms and legs.Back in the wierd temple, Piccolo is looking around.Piccolo I've been going in circles. There's no way out of here. If there's a way in, there's a way out. That's it. My way in! Piccolo goes to the spot where he first arrived in there. Piccolo then begins to medtitate. he opens his eyes to find himself back on the look-out tower. Piccolo looks over the edge of the look-out.

Piccolo: That old man is out of his mind. I sense nothing wrong down there.

Back at the Diablo Desert, Gogeta stops his attacking.

Gogeta: Again!

Xicor charges at Gogeta as Xicor powers up into a Super Saiyan 5. Xicor starts kicking and punching at Gogeta. Gotenks charges at Xicor from behind. Xicor turns around and kicks at Gotenks. Gotenks grabs Xicor's foot. Xicor twists around and kicks Gotenks in the face with his other foot. Gotenks releases Xicor's foot as Gotenks spins to the ground. Xicor runs up to Gogeta and runs up his chest. Xicor font flips off of Gogeta's chest and lands sitting on his shoulders. Xicor punches Gogeta on both sides of the head. Xicor lens back at throws Gogeta at Gotenks with his feet. Back on the look-out Piccolo is still looking down on Earth.

Piccolo: (Thinking) Xicor's skills have certainly improoved. Perhaps he could be this new threat!Back in the Diablo Desert, Xicor spin kicks Gotenks. Xicor turns back at Gogeta. Gogeta punches Xicor in the face. Xicor puts his hand on the ground and kicks Gogeta in the chest twice. Gotenks charges at Xicor. Xicor back flips over Gotenks and kicks him in the back. Xicor then back flips again and lands on the ground. Xicor is about to punch Gotenks, but Gogeta interupts.

Gogeta: That's good.Xicor stops.Gogeta: You've done great! Another thing I think you may find useful is hiding your power level. It lets your opponent think that you're weaker then you really are. It also makes it harder for someone to track you or your movements.

Xicor: Sounds hard.Gotenks: Nah, It's easy, child's play.

Gogeta: It's the opposite of powering up. Instead of letting your energy out of your tantien, put as much Ki as you can back into it. Try itXicor closes his eyes and concentrates.

Gogeta: You're doing it!Xicor gets dizzy and falls down.

Xicor: What happened?

Gogeta: Your body's not used to the low amount of energy. You'll get used to it. Why don't you try creating your own technique and we'll test it.

Xicor: I already created one, Warp Kamehameha.

Gogeta: Oh, that's right. I forgot about that one. Okay, show me it again.Xicor jumps into the air and powers back up.

Xicor: WARP KAMEHAMEHA!!!Xicor launches a Warp Kamehameha down at Gotenks and Gogeta. Gogeta instant transmits himself out of the way. The blast hits Gotenks. Xicor stops his blast. Gotenks is on the ground twitching.

Gotenks: Ow.

Xicor: Where'd the other go?Xicor senses Gogeta behind him and turns around.

Xicor: Why'd you move?

Gogeta: To teach you a lesson. You should not leave room for your opponent to escape.

Xicor: Why though?

Gogeta: it wastes energy and gives your opponent time to rest and heal.Back on the look-out, Piccolo is watching the fight.

Piccolo: Could it be him, but how? He seem happy. No, wait, there's someone else. What?! Koroen?! Can't be!Back in the Diablo Desert, Gogeta and Xicor are floating in the air.

Gogeta: Ready for another round?

Xicor: You bet!A creature that looks likes Koroen knocks Xicor to the ground.

Okster: I'll fight Xicor.Gotenks & Gogeta: Koroen?!

Narrator: How could Koroen have survived such an explosion? Could he have risen from the grave? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 55: Who Is This Guy?

Narrator: Last time, Xicor's training continued as Piccolo returned back to find everything normal. He was so fixiated on Xicor that he was incappable of seeing the real enemy. Find out who this guy is, today on Dragon Ball AF!

Gogeta: Koroen, but how?!

Gotenks: I knew Bra couldn't have defeated him!

Okster: Haha! Oh, I wouldn't be afraid of Koroen. I assure you, he's no longer among the living. I am Okster, Koroen's father and ruler of planet Velcroz and soon, the entire Northern Quadrant!Xicor floats back up to the others.

Xicor: Why? What's the point of even being here?

Okster: My planet's resourses have been completely depleeted. it's nothing but a wasted pile of rocks. I came here to take over this planet and enslave all the pathetic life forms living on it. I had to lie low while Koroen was here. He was my only son and if he were to kill me, he would be th new king. With him out of the way, I can continue what I've started, and I'll start by sending you Saiyan trash to the next dimension!

Gogeta: Tell me, how did you know Xicor's name?

Okster: I've been in hiding on Earth for the past year. I've studied your fighting tactics. I know enough to be able to defeat you all, easily.

Gogeta: Show me.

Xicor: No, he said he'd fight me. So let's go Okster. If you've really been sutdying us, you'd know that there's no end to us.

Okster: Yes, but I also know that I'll be the one who gives you the end.

Gogeta: Remember your training.

Okster: Your training won't help you out this time.Xicor gets into his fighting pose.

Xicor: Shut up, and fight me!Okster charges at Xicor. Okster goes to punch Xicor. Xicor gets ready to block, but Okster zilches behind Xicor and kicks him in the side of the head. Xicor flies through the air and hits a cacktus. okster turns to Gogeta and Gotenks.

Okster: As you can see, I'm much faster, stronger and smarter then Koroen.Xicor floats back up to the others with needles stuck in him.

Okster: back for more, are we?Xicor powers up and the needle fly out of him. Most of the needles fly at Okster and embed themselves with in him. The needles then pop out os Okster and the holes in him begins steaming as they close up.

Xicor: What?!Okster: Don't worry. I'm not immortal like you. Like Nameks, the Velcrozians have a special technique. Our bodies fully heal after foriegn objects enter it. That's why we're considered the best race that can fight. it used to be Saiyans, but it was thought that they were wiped out of existence after Freeza came along.

Gogeta: Some of us survived, became more human. Now instead of destroying planets and people, this race protects them. No matter how strong you are, we won't stop until you've been stopped.

Okster: What a touching speech, but nothing you say can keep me from my goal.

Xicor: Then lets go another round.Okster kicks Xicor to the ground and then drop kicks Xicor across the chest. Xicor screams in pain.

Okster: And to think, I'm just playing around right now.Back on the look-out, Piccolo is watching what is happening.

Piccolo: (Thinking) This isn't good.

Mr. Popo: What's happening?

Piccolo: It's not going to matter if they don't get any help.Piccolo is about to jump off of the look-out tower, but Mr. Popo stops him.

Mr. Popo: You're not supposed to fight.

Piccolo: No, but I know who can. Besides, I've never liked rules much anyways.Piccolo jumps down into the clouds.

Narrator: Can Xicor show Okster the true might of the Saiyans with his new understandings of martial arts? Or will all his training proove to be pointless in this match? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 56: Gogeta VS Evil Okster

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, everyone was shocked to see Koroen still alive. But as time lingered on, they realized that this enemy was infact King Okster of planet Velcroz, Koroen's father. Okster himself had intensions of putting the Saiyan race back on the list of endangered species. Elsewhere, the new Guardian of Earth, Piccolo, went off in search of help.Piccolo lands on Roshi's Island. Piccolo knocks on the Kame House door. Inside, Krillan and Android 18 are having sex on the couch.

Android 18: Keep going.

Krillan: The door.

Android 18: It's probably another salesman.Piccolo knocks again, but still no answer. Piccolo grabs the door knob and turns it.

Piccolo: It's unlocked.Piccolo swings the door open to see Android 18 and Krillan naked on the couch. Android 18 hops behind the couch.

Krillan: Piccolo!

Piccolo: Krillan! This is no time for fun and games! Goku needs you help, pronto! And get some clothes on. Piccolo throws Krillan's pants that were on the T.V. at Krillan. Piccolo walks out of the house and closes the door behind him. Piccolo flies off.

Krillan: That was rude.Android 18 pops up from behind the couch with a blanket rapped around her and she sees Krillan heading out the door.

Android 18: You better be back before I lose this feeling!Krillan shakes his head and flies off.Krillan(Thinking) Why am I always unlucky?back in the Diablo Desert, Xicor charges at Okster. okster punches through Xicor's stomach. Okster back hands Xicor in the face with his other hand, making Xicor spin around on Okster's arm. Okster punches Xicor in the face. Xicor slides off of Okster's arm and falls to the ground. Xicor begins healing.

Okster: Yes, go head, heal up. The more you heal, the more fun we can have.Off in Satan City, Piccolo arrives at Gohan's house and rings the door bell.

Piccolo: (Thinking) I wonder if I should walk in.Videl answers the door.

Piccolo: Get Gohan, there's trouble.

Videl: There's always trouble with you guys.Gohan appears at the door.

Gohan: Hey Piccolo, what's up?back in the Diablo Desert, Gogeta and Gotenks are standing on a cliff, watching Xicor and Okster fight. Krillan lands on the cliff.

Krillan: What's going on?Somewhere between the Diablo Desert and Satan City, Gohan and Piccolo are flying towards the fight.

Piccolo: Okster, Koroen's father is here to take over Earth. He's not here for revenge. He cares nothing of his son's death.

Gohan: I can sense his energy. He seems even more powerful then Koroen.

Piccolo: Okster's been tossing Xicor around like a rag doll and I don't think he's anywhere near the full extent of his true power.Gohan and Piccolo arrive at the Diablo Desert and land on the cliff, beside the others.

Gohan: Shouldn't Broly be here?

Gogeta: I haven't seen him for a while.Okster swings Xicor by the leg and lets go of him. Xicor flies into the cliff that the others are standing on. Part of the cliff collapses on Xicor. Gogeta floats up to meet Okster.

Gogeta: This fight is between us now.

Okster: Fine by me

Narrator: Could Okster be using his full power? Or will the Z Warriors be blown away once his true power is revealed? Who will be the victor of this war? More to com on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 57: Piccolo's Success

Last time, our heroes gathered for the fight against Okster, Koroen's father, who had no intensions of letting the Saiyans live. After Xicor was tossed away, Gogeta entered the ring.Gogeta and Okster are floating in the air.

Okster: Just to be fair, I'll give you 3 free shots. Show me your best!

Gogeta: I don't need anything, but my own power to defeat you!Gogeta powers up into a Super Saiyan 4. Gogeta continues to power up.

Okster: Yes, impressive, but is it enough?

Gogeta: Huh?Okster, without powering up, charges at Gogeta and punches him in the face. Gogeta is slamed against the ground and bounces off the ground and hits the cliff. This time, the hole clif collapses and the Z Warriors begin to float and continue to watch. Gogeta is buried in the rocks aswell.

Piccolo: I've got to help.

Spirit: If you fight, you'll never be a Guardian.

Piccolo: If I don't fight, there won't be an Earth to look over!Piccolo charges at Okster and throws a couple of punches. Okster back hands Piccolo away. Piccolo hits the ground and slides in the sand.

Spirit: Congradulation, you've passed every test. Now kick his ass.Gogeta and Xicor explode out of the pile of rocks.

Xicor: Lets show him who's boss.

Gogeta: No, I'll do this on my own. I'd like to see how much my power has increased since Goku became a Super Saiyan 5.Xicor floats up to the others.

Xicor: Gogeta's going in alone.

Gotenks: Well he better not HOG ALL THE FUN!!Gogeta powers up as much as he can and then floats back up to Okster. Okster charges at Gogeta again and goes to kick. Gogeta grabs Okster's leg and throws him away. Okster lets himself fly into Gotenks, headbutting Gotenks in the forehead. Gotenks falls to the ground. Okster then backflips and kicks Gohan on the top of the head. Gohan falls to the ground aswell. Okster karate chops Krillan, knocking him to the ground. Okster looks down at everyone on the ground.

Okster: Gee, Gogeta, you've done an excellent job.Gogeta clenches his fists.

Okster: So what will it be? Should I kill them first? Or would you prefer yourself?Okster begins to power up a huge Death Ball.

Gogeta: You wouldn't!

Okster: Really now? Well, then, why don't we see what I will do.Gogeta charges at Okster. Okster puts up a Ki shield and Gogeta bounces off of it. The ball stops growing.

Okster: Now watch as your friends become anihilated!Okster launches the Death Ball to the ground between Gotenks, Gohan and Krillan.

Gogeta: No!

Xicor: They'll die for sure!Just before the Death Ball hits the ground, Xicor moves underneeth it and tries to push it up. Xicor is being pushed back into the ground.

Narrator: can Xicor stop the Death Ball? Or will he perrish with the rest of the Earth's inhabitants? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 58: Gogeta Fails

Narrator: On the last episode Dragon Ball AF, Gogeta began his fight against Okster, but Gogeta was nothing compared to the combat King. Okster waisted no time in preparing an attack to eliminate some off the Earth's Special Forces.Xicor is trying to push the Death Ball up, but it's pushing him down.

Xicor: I've put too much pain on this planet. Time to repay me depts.Xicor powers up and pushes with all his might. The Death Ball starts moving up. Xicor's hands begins to sink into the ball, but he continues to push it.

Xicor: It burns!

Okster: Ha, you fool!Okster launches a small Ki ball at the Death Ball. The tiny ki Ball is obsorbed into the Death Ball. The Death ball falls back to Earth, pinning Xicor between it and the Earth. The Death Ball sinks into the Earth abit and explodes. The explosion rips Xicor apart. A shock wave rips the terrain apart and almost Gogeta away.

Okster: Ahahaha!Gogeta watches the smoke clear, hoping someone survived. He looks in the hole in the Earth, but nothing.

Gogeta: Everyone's gone. Even Xicor. I should have helped. I SHOULD HAVE HELPED!!!Gogeta begins to power up. He transforms into a Super Saiyan 5.

Okster: You expect to beat me like that? That Death Ball wasn't even half of what I can do.

Gogeta: What?Okster begins powering up. He then stops.

Okster: There, this should be good enough.Okster kicks Gogeta in the stomach and then in the face. Gogeta moves back a bit.

Gogeta: That's some power.Gogeta charges at Okster and goes to punch Okster in the face. Okster bends backwards and knees Gogeta on the chin then punches Gogeta in the stomach. Gogeta bends over. Okster grabs Gogeta in a head lock and begins punching him in the face. Gogeta powers up some more. His increase in energy makes Okster get pushed back.

Okster: Oh, fisty.Okster clutches Gogeta to the ground. Gogeta regains control of himself and lands on his feet on a rock.

Okster: Here's a going away present!Okster launches a blast down at Gogeta. Gogeta powers down and stands in the instant transmition pose. The blast hits the ground and explodes. Gogeta appears behind a rock.

Gogeta: He's too powerful.

Piccolo: Go...Gogeta.Gogeta looks down to see Piccolo stuck under a rock.

Gogeta: Piccolo, your alive!

Piccolo: If I'm alive, Gohan must be too.

Gogeta: And Gotenks!Piccolo: Get these rocks off my arms.Gogeta lifts the rocks off of Piccolo's arms. Piccolo blasts his lower body that was stuck under the rocks. Piccolo then regenerates himself. Okster senses the blast.

Okster: Huh? What was that?

Piccolo: You hold him off for a bit, I'll see if anyone else survived.

Gogeta: Okay.Gogeta is about to leave but Piccolo stops him.

Piccolo: Gogeta, good luck.

Narrator: Piccolo barely sruvived that an he was the furthest away from the explosion. Could anyone else have survived an attack like that? If so, would they even be able to fight again? And can Gogeta hold off Okster long enough for help to arrive? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 59: Gogeta Fails.

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Xicor is trying his best to stop the Death Ball from carshing into the Earth. His efforts were in vain as it exploded in his face and ripped him to shreds. But not everyone died. Piccolo survived and regenerated his body and decided to help out.Gogeta flies up above the rock, and Okster was waiting for him.

Okster: Boo.Okster punches Gogeta in the face. Gogeta flies back into another rock. Okster chases after him. As soon as Okster passes over Piccolo, Piccolo jumps out of his hiding place and starts jumping from rock to rock, looking for survivors. Okster turns around and starts launching blasts at him. Piccolo dodges the blasts. Gogeta grabs Okster's arm and turns him around. Gogeta punches Okster in the chest a couple of times, but there was no effect. Okster punches Gogeta back against the rock. Gogeta smashes through the rock. Gogeta lands on another rock.

Gogeta: Enough playing around.Gogeta powers back up into a Super Saiyan 5. Gogeta charges at Okster. Okster backhands Gogeta and he goes twirling back to the ground. Gogeta lands on his feet and jumps back into the air.

Gogeta: SOLARE FLARE!!A Blinding light surrounds the area. Okster was not effected, since he closed his eyes in time, and zilches behing Gogeta to elbow him in the back. Gogeta is knocked into the crater. His hand touches some blood on the ground.

Gogeta: Blood? Not mine.Gogeta remembers Xicor exploding.

Gogeta: Xicor! He's alive! I just need to buy him time for his cells to regrow.Not too far from Gogeta, Piccolo is looking around the rocks and sees Krillan and pulls him from the rocks.

Piccolo: Krillan, wake up.Krillan doesn't wake up.

Piccolo: You better not be dead.Piccolo carries Krillan to an oasis in the Diablo Desert and lies him down by a pound.

Piccolo: You should be safe here for now.Piccolo flies back to the fight. Over in west City, Bra, Pan, and Maron are shopping in a mall.

Maron: This place is so big.

Bra: I live in this town and I always get lost in here.

Maron: You're lucky. My parents are like hermits.Pan drops her bags just as they exit the mall.

Pan: Something's wrong. I can feel it.

Bra: maybe my big brother knows about it.Pan picks her bags back up and the three head towards the Capsule Corp. Back in the Diablo Desert, Gogeta charges at Okster and goes to punch. Okster zilches out of the way and kicks Gogeta to the ground. Gogeta lands on another rock.

Gogeta: How do I always hit the ground? If only Vegeta was stronger when they fused.Okster launches a blast down at Gogeta. Gogeta ducks and the blast hits the rock behind Gogeta. The explosion sends Gogeta back into the crater. Gogeta looks beside himself to see Xicor's torso reforming.

Okster: So another one lived.Back at the Capsule Corp, Bra, Pan and Maron enter the building just as future Trunks is leaving it.

Bra: Where are you going?

Future Trunks: There's a fight I'm going to check out.Future Trunks flies off. Back in the Diablo Desert, Gogeta charges at Okster.

Gogeta: One more try!Okster uppercut Gogeta higher into the sky. Okster then zliches above him and clutches him to the ground.

Gogeta: Maybe not.Gogeta hits the ground in the crater and faints.

Narrator: Can Okster really have defeated Gogeta? Will Okster finish off Xicor before he can fully heal himself? And will anyone resurface from the rubel to face Okster? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 60: Broly Returns

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Gogeta tried his luck against Okster. Even as a Super Saiyan 5, he wasn't powerful enough to even land a punch on the super Velcrozian. Gogeta was launched to the ground with a final blow from the enemy.Gogeta is lying on the ground. Piccolo, carrying Gotenks, floats down to Gogeta.

Piccolo: Gogeta, I found Gotenks. He's still alive , but not in any condition to fight.Suddenly, Gogeta and Gotenks defuse.

Piccolo: Oh, great.

Okster: Well, looks like I could finish you all off at once. An easy victory!

Xicor: Not too easy!Xicor kicks Okster in the face. Okster grabs Xicor's ankle.

Okster: Get down there!Okster throws Xicor down to the others. Okster creates a Ki ball in his hand. Suddenly, two space pods fall to the Earth and land in the Diablo Desert.

Okster: (Thinking) I've felt that energy before. Can he be back already?The two pods open and Broly and Jeanin exit the space pods. They both float up out of the crators to see Okster and the others.

Broly: Jeanin, head home.Jeanin: I can fight!

Broly: Yeah, I know. You're pretty fisty in bed, but I think this is out of your league.

Jeanin: Fine.Jeanin flies off. Future Trunks lands beside Piccolo.

Piccolo: Nice to see you.

Future Trunks: Yeah, I was a little late, huh?Broly lands on solid ground. Future Trunks floats over beside Broly.

Broly: Let's fuse for now.The two preform the fusion dance.

Okster: No! I must prevent them from fusing!

Broly & Future Trunks: FU...SION....Okster launches a blast at Broly and future Trunks.

Broly & Future Trunks: ...HA!Broly's and future Trunks' fingers touch just as Okster's blast hits them and explodes.

Okster: (Thinking) If they fuse, there's no way I can win.The smoke clears and future Trunks is lying on the ground, but Broly is still standing.

Okster: What?! It didn't even phase him!

Broly: (Thinking) That's okay, Trunks wasn't part of the plan. Beside, fusing with him only make me weaker since he's power level is much lower then my own.Broly transforms directly into a Mystic Saiyan.

Okster: (Thinking) No, his energy is too much!Broly charges at Okster and elbows him in the face. Okster is sent flying off into the distance. Broly then drops down to Piccolo and Xicor.

Broly: Xicor, you're coming with me!Off in the distance, in an oasis, Okster is lying on some grass beside a pond. He sits up and he has a bleeding nose.

Okster: RRR! I think he broke my nose. I need some way to get rid of Broly.Okster looks over onto the other side of the pond and sees Krillan lying on the ground.

Narrator: What ideas can Okster concock to get rid of Broly that can include Krillan? What does Broly wish to do with Xicor? more to come next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 61: Where's Broly And Xicor?

Narrator: Last time on Dragon Ball AF, all hopes seemed lost, that is until Broly and his new wife Jeanin returned to Earth. Broly showed his mighty power against Okster and prooved that the Saiyans still have what it takes to survive.

Xicor: Where are we going?

Broly: Questions later, lets go!Broly grabs onto Xicor's arm and drags him off into the sky.

Piccolo: Where are they going? We need them. Maybe Broly defeated Okster with that one punch.Future Trunks wakes up and joins Piccolo.

Future Trunks: What happened to Broly?

Piccolo: I'm not sure. He and Xicor took off somewhere. I think Okster might be dead. Either that or he knows how to hide his power level.

Future Trunks: We might as well go and find out. If he's knocked out, we can finish him.Okay, but lets run. I don't want him to sense us coming.Piccolo and future Trunks begin running towards Okster. Broly and Xicor land on the look-out tower.

Broly: Hey! Poopoo guy! Open the chamber door.

Mr. Popo: Shouldn't you be helping Piccolo?

Broly: Trust me, this will help.Mr. Popo leads them through the temple over to the door of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He grabs the handle.

Mr. Popo: You know about this place?

Broly: I know enough, trust me.Mr. Popo opens the door and Broly drags Xicor in.

Xicor: Hey! Wait, where are we going?The door closes behind them. Back in Diablo Desert, Piccolo and future Trunks arive at an Oasis.

Piccolo: Darn. This is where I left Krillan. Okster got to him first.

Goku: Hey guys! I found them!Goku, Vegeta, Goten and chibi Trunks land beside Piccolo.

Piccolo: Goku! You gave away our position!Okster flies out from a tree, with Krillan in his hands, and floats in the air.

Goku: Krillan!Okster: Don't move! Surrender your lives and I'll spare his.Vegeta floats into the air.

Vegeta: Haha! I guess Krillan's going to take one for the team.

Okster: What? RRR! Don't push me! I'll do it!

Vegeta: I know, and i really don't care what happens to that runt. Second, if you were to kill him, your only defense would be destroyed.Suddenly, Gohan kicks Okster from behind, making him drop Krillan and they both fall to the ground. Gohan is all cut up and panting. He floats down to the others.

Goku: Nice to see you made it!

Gohan: Yeah, me too. He really packs a punch.Okster floats back into the sky. Back inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Xicor is a Super Saiyan 5 and Broly is a Mystic Saiyan.

Broly: Alright, this is how it goes. I'm going to beat the living shit out of you, and you're going to do your healing thing. this will keep going until you're as strong as me. Okay?Xicor: Yeah! That would be great!

Broly: Enough talking!Broly launches a small Ki ball at Xicor. The ball goes inside of Xicor and explodes his body to pieces. Xicor's body pieces begin to join back together until he is fully reformed.

Narrator: Why would Broly leave the fight to train Xicor? Can Xicor even become that strong? And with Broly not attending the fight, do the Z Warriors stand a chance against Okster? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 62: Vegeta's Up

Narrator: Last time on Dragon Ball AF, broly carried Xicor off to train him the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Piccolo and Trunks were joined by everyone else to fight off Okster. But this villian had plans of his own. He used Krillan as a hostage to try to escape his certain death, but to his surprise, he was out smarted.

Okster: Who did that?!

Vegeta: It doesn't matter, your fight is against me now. Hope you're feeling lucky.Vegeta powers up into a Super Saiyan 4.

Okster: You sure are confident today, Vegeta.

Vegeta: Now I'll show you why.Vegeta charges at Okster. he is about to punch Okster, but then Vegeta just disappears.

Okster: Where did he go? I didn't even see him.Okster begins looking around for Vegeta. He senses an energy increase and launches a blast behind him, but there's nothing there.

Okster: What's going on? How's he doing this?Okster senses something again and launches another blast, but still nothing.

Okster: (Thinking) How could Vegeta be so quick that I can't even see him? He's never been this powerful before.Okster continues to look around.

Vegeta: FINAL FLASH!Vegeta launches the Final Flash from above, down at Okster.Okster: What?!Okster just barely dodges the thechnique.

Goku: KAMEHAMEHA!!! Goku stops Vegeta's blast from hitting the Earth, by deflecting it with his Kamehameha Wave.

Okster: (Thinking) That was too close.Okster charges at Vegeta.

Vegeta: BIG BANG ATTACK!!Vegeta launches the large Ki ball at Okster. Okster dodges that as well. The Big Bang Attack heads towards the planet. Goku reflects it back up at Okster. Okster dodges it again and it almost hits Vegeta.Back in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Xicor's body reforms. Broly launches a single ball, which splits into dozens of other balls, that falls on Xicor. Xicor reforms again.

Xicor: Ah! This hurts.Broly blasts Xicor's head off.

Broly: Stop complaining!Off in the Shadow Forest, pan is training and wearing one of Goku's old Gi's.

Pan: (Thinking) Waering grandpa Goku's Gi always inspires me.Pan start runing through the forest, dodging and jumping off of trees. she stops at this one tree and kicks it down.

Pan: It's hot out today.She wipes the sweat from her forhead. She takes off the training Gi top and she is in a black sports bra.

Pan: I takes off her pants and she is in a pink thong. She sits down against a tree and puts one of her hands down her thong, and begind rubbing her vagina. She begins panting.

Pan: Oh! I'm so horny.

Back in the Diablo Desert, Okster charges at Vegeta.

Narrator: Vegeta is pooving to be more then Okster bargained for, but can Okster be using his full power? Or does this titan still have more to use? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 63: Vegeta's Transformation

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Vegeta refused to allow Okster to fight anyone but himself. Xicor's training continued as Pan decided to have a little training session of her own.Pan is in the Shodow Forest with her pants back on. She puts her training Gi top back on.

Pan: Wow. that was good. Just what I needed.Back in the Diablo Desert, Okster charges at Vegeta and goes to punch him, but Vegeta disappears again.

Okster: Where is he? I have to concentrate.Okster closes his eyes and concentrates. Then he senses Vegeta.

Okster: There he is!Okster turns around to see Vegeta with his hands together in a gun shape.

Vegeta: GALET GUN X!Vegeta launches the tiny, thing beam at Okster. Okster creates a red Ki shield around his hand and then backhands the beam away. The beam turns around and heads towards Okster again. Okster back hands it away again. The beam turns back at Okster three more times. The third time that Okster knocks the beam away, he falls down to the ground. The blast flies down at him. Okster moves and the beam goes into the ground and doesn't return.

Vegeta: What?

Okster: As I said earlier, I've watched you all for a while and your fighting tactics. I've created a counter for each of your techniques.

Goku: (Thinking) Xicor could really learn from him.

Okster: As you see, I far out match you all.

Vegeta: That's okay. I still have another trick you haven't seen from me.

Okster: Huh?Vegeta: I was hoping to get to chalenge Kakarott and surprise him, but since you've ruined my day. I think it's only if you pay for it.

Okster: What do you think you could do about it?

Vegeta: This.vegeta begins to power up. Back at the Capsule Corp, Bra enters a room, waering a black version of what she normaly wears. Maron is in the room waiting.

Maron: Wow. That looks good on you.

Bra: Thanks. I'm going to wear it when I ask Pan out.Maron: You mean, you're...Bra: Yeah.

Maron: I always thought you and Goten would hook up?Bra start saying sarcastically

Bra: Oh yes I could just image it now.The screen get all blurring then goes back to focus and Bra is sitting on the couch reading a book. Goten walks up from behind her.

Goten: Hey Bra!

Bra: What do you want?

Goten: Nothing. What you reading?Bra slams the book shut

Bra: None of your business. So why are you here?Uh, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me?Bra stands up.

Bra: I knew you wanted something! Well, only if we have sex first.Bra leans over the couch. Goten begins looking down her shirt.

Bra: So, what do you say?

Goten: Okay.Suddenly, the scene changes to them in Bra's room. Bra is in nothing, but her panties while Goten is fully nude. He begins kissing the back of her neck as he held her breasts. Bra sat down on her bed and Goten immediatly spread her legs and began rubbing over top of her underwear, just where her vagina is. Goten then takes her underwear off and begins to finger her.

Bra: Oh yeah! I think I had enough pleasure for now, it's your turn.Goten sits down on the bed. Bra kneels on the floor and begins to give him a blow job

Goten: I hope we get to do this every night.

Bra: (Thinking) This tastes disgusting. I wonder if he's ever cleaned it.Bra takes it out of her mouth.

Bra: That's enough of that. How's this?Bra puts his penis between her breast and begins to move her breast around. Bra goes to lick it again and Goten ends up cumming in her face and mouth. Bra moves away abit.

Bra: I forgot about that stuff.She start wiping it off of her tongue.

Goten: That;s okay, but now time for the real fun.Goten lies Bra back down on the bed and her inserts his penis into her vagina. Goten then begins to hump her and she takes it and can only moan in pleasure as she reaches the peak of her orgasm

Bra: I'm cumming, I'm cumming!

Goten: Me too!Goten pulls it out of Bra.

Goten: That was fun!

Bra: Yeah, and now you have to be the father of my kid!

Goten gets a scared look on his face and Bra starts laughing. The screen gets all blury again and returns back to where Bra and Maron are.

Bra: Yes, I can just imagine it, disgusting. What about you? You like anyone?Maron: Well, that Xicor guy is pretty cute.Back in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Broly is breaking Xicor into pieces and not letting him have a chance to fully heal.

Broly: Die you piece of shit!Back in the Diablo Desert, Vegeta is still powering up. He transforms into a Super Saiyan 5 and discontinues powering up.

Vegeta: Now lets see how you fare against a true Saiyan!

Goku: (Thinking) Wow, Vegeta I'm impressed. You may be more powerful then me.

Narrator: Can Xicor finish his training in time to lend a hand? Will Bra ever get to be with Pan before Trunks? And will Vegeta's new power be enough to finaly defeat Okster? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 64: Goku's Knocked Out

Narrator: Last time, Xicor's training intensified as Broly wouldn't give him a moment of time to regenerate himself. Elsewhere, Vegeta amazingly transformed into a Super Saiyan 5 and surpassed Goku's strength. Could he be the one to defeat Okster? Find out today, on Dragon Ball AF!

Vegeta: You're finished!Vegeta charges at Okster and punches him across the face. Okster is launched back and he hits a palm tree. Okster floats back into the air.

Okster: Do you really think it's going to be that easy? Just power up and it's over? Vegeta, you're so full of yourself.

Vegeta: What?Okster: It's about time to show you all of my ture power.Okster powers up to mis max.

Goku: No! He's too powerful for Vegeta on his own.Goku floats up to Vegeta's side and transforms into a Super Saiyan 5.Vegeta: Stay out of this Kakarott!

Goku: You can't do this on your own. We need to fuse.Vegeta we need nothing, but for you to get out of my way!

Okster: (Thinking) They must not fuse!

(Not Thinking) Vegeta, how about I get rid of this pest for you and we can continue our match, without interuptions.

Vegeta: Fine by me.Okster charges at Goku and kicks him higher into the air. Okster zilches above Goku and Karate chops jim in the back of the neck. Okster then clutches Goku to the ground. Goku hits the ground and goes uncoscious.

Okster: Haha! Not fusing with him will be you last mistake!

Vegeta: Oh really? I think the mistake was you getting in my way!Vegeta and Okster charge at eachother. Okster goes to headbutt, Vegeta goes to punch. Vegeta's fist hits Okster's head, but Okster continues his charging. Okster ends up head butting Vegeta in the gut, but he doesn't stop. He ends up ramming Vegeta into the ground. Okster flies back into the sky.

Okster: Let's go, get up! I know you have more fight in you.Vegeta stands up.

Vegeta: (Thinking) I can feel my energy being drained from me already. I've bearly even done anything and I'm already tired. No matter, this match will be over before I lose too much.Vegeta floats into the air and then charges at Okster. Vegeta zilches behing Okster and kicks him in the back. Okster flies foreward a bit and turns around. Vegeta begins launching blasts at Okster. All the blasts hit Okster and explode as smoke fills the sky. Okster floats out of the smoke as if nothing happened.

Okster: This is the power of a true Saiyan? Pathetic.Okster creates a ball of Ki between his two hands. The ball then stretches up, froms a sword shape and solidifies. Okster swings the Ki sword at Vegeta. Vegeta ducks and kicks Okster's hand, knocking the sword to the ground. Future Trunks picks up the sword and puts it in his sheeth.

Future Trunks: I needed a new sword.Okster punches Vegeta across the face twice, and then punches him in the stomach. Okster spin kicks Vegeta across the face and on the side of the stomach. Vegeta is launched away from Okster.

Vegeta: (Thinking) Looks like this is a fight to the death.Back in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Xicor is fully refromed

Xicor: Why don't you destroy me down to a single cell?

Broly: That's a little to risky as a Mystic Saiyan. It's easier for me to generate too much energy in that stage, because it continually drawn in energy from around me and stores it all in me. Practically no limit to a stage like this.Broly ans Xicor sit down at a table and start pigging out on all the food.

Narrator: When will Broly be done training Xicor and help out on the real fight? Will Goku wake up to lend a hand to Vegeta? And will Vegeta follow his pride to his death? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 65: Gotenks And Gogeta, Super Saiyan 5

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Vegeta continued his assault on Okster, but it wasn't long before it was obvious that Vegeta could not win this on his own. In another time and place, Broly and Xicor relaxed as Broly revealed the secrets of a Mystic Saiyan.Inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Broly and Xicor exit the building.

Xicor: Mmm. That was yummy. Kinda burned though.

Broly: Told you, you shouldn't blast the turkey.Back at the Oasis in the Diablo Desert, Vegeta flies at Okster and goes to punch, but Okster blocks. Okster returns a punch. Vegeta grabs his fist and twists his wrist, snapping it. Vegeta then uppercuts Okster's elbow, bending it the wrong way. Vegeta spins around and elbows Okster in the stomach, and punchins him in the chin. Vegeta finishes his combo by kicking Okster to the ground. Future Trunks pulls his new sword from it's sheathe and runs at Okster.

Vegeta: No, don't!Future Trunks stabs his swod through Okster's heart. Vegeta drops to the ground and knocks future Trunks away.

Vegeta: You idiot! Look what you've gone and done.All of Okster's wounds begin steaming. The sowrd slips out of Okster's chest and his wounds fully heal.

Vegeta: Stay out of this, child. You don't know what you're dealing with.Okster stands back up.

Okster: I don't think you have a clue have a clue about what you're up against.

Vegeta: As I clearly stated before, I can defeat you on my own!

Okster: Is that so? Do you think I don't know about your energy being drained? You can't stop me with the amount you have left. You're finished, Vegeta!Goten is shaking Goku.

Goten: Get up dad!

Chibi Trunks: I've got an idea, help me.Chibi Trunks and Goten roll Goku into the pond. Goku starts splashing around.

Goku: Where am I?! Oh, right.Goku floats over to Vegeta and powers back up into a Super Saiyan 5.

Goku: We need to fuse.Vegeta: You may be right, but just because we fuse this time doesn't make us friends, Kakarott. Do I make myself clear?

Goku: Yep.Vegeta and Goku preform the fusion dance.

Goku & Vegeta: FU....SION.....HA!!The two become Gogeta as a Super Saiyan 5. Chibi Trunks and Goten then preform the fusion dance.

Goten & Chibi Trunks: FU....SION....HA!The two become Gotenks. Gotenks powers up into a Super Saiyan 5.

Gotenks: Haha! Not bad eh?Okster takes to the air.

Okster: I should never have let them fuse!Gotenks and Gogeta float up into the air and follow Okster. Okster begins to power up.

Okster: I may need a helping hand. Better yet, two helping hands.Okster continues to power up. A wierd bump forms on each of his shoulder blades. The bumps sprout out and become an extra set of arms.

Okster: Now lets see if you can keep up.

Gotenks: You're on!Gotenks charges at Okster. Okster begins punching Gotenks with all four fists. Gotenks manages to block the first few punches, but then he gets knocked around.

Gogeta: DRAGON FIST ASSAULT!Gogeta charges at Okster and goes to punch. A huge firery dragon explodes out of Gogeta's fist and flies towards Okster. Okster ducks and the dragon hits Okster's two new arms. The dragon wraps around the arms and Okster, and then explodes.

Narrator: Could Gogeta's final attack have finished off Koroen for good? Or will Okster emerge from the ashes for a second round? Find out nest time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 66: Broly And Xicor Arrive

Narrator: Last time, Goku woke up and wasted no time in fusing with Vegeta. Gogeta and Gotenks fought Okster as Super Saiyan 5's and Gogeta fired an initail attack at Okster. Could he have survived? Find out today, on Dragon Ball AF!

Inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Broly and Xicor power down.

Broly: We're done for now.

Xicor: But I'm not there yet.

Broly: We got to see if the others are still alive. There'll be plenty of time for training laterBroly opens the door of the chamber and walks out as Xicor follows. The two then fly off towards the fight. Back in the Diablo Desert, the smoke clears and Okster is still alive and well, except that his two new arms are missing.

Okster: Not bad, Gogeta, but too bad it wasn't enough.Okster charges at Gogeta and punches him to the ground. Okster then goes to punch Gotenks. Gotenks blocks and kicks Okster in the gut. Gotenks begins punching Okster around. Okster points his hand in Gotenks' face and creates a Ki ball.

Okster: One down.

Gogeta: Or not!Gogeta kicks Okster away from Gotenks. Gotenks and Gogeta both nod at each other then fly up at Okster. Okster regains control of himself and spin kicks at the two. Gogeta and Gotenks are knocked apart from each other. Okster powers up and divides himself into two of him.

Future Trunks: Woah! Now there's two of him.

Piccolo: Yeah, but it cut his power in half aswell.

One of the Oksters flies down at Gotenks and punches him across the face five times and then blast Gotenks, knocking him to the ground. The other Okster does the same to Gogeta. One of the Oksters land on the ground, while the other one lands on the top of the other and is obsorbed back into the original Okster. Future Trunks charges at Okster and slices him into a bunch of pieces. Okster's pieces begins steaming as they reform.

Okster: Sorry, your sword won't work against me.Okster kicks future Trunks away. broly catches him. Okster sees Broly and takes a few steps back.

Okster: (Thinking) Why does he only appear when I'm about to kill them?Over on Roshi's island, Maron is just getting home.

Maron: Hi mom! I'm home

Android 18: Hello.

Maron: Where's dad?

Android 18: He's gone out for a bit.

Maron: Does this have something to do with the fight that Pan sensed?

Android 18: What?back at the fight, Broly puts future Trunks down.

Broly: Alright Xicor, you're up.Xicor: Nice.

Broly: But remember, I want a piece of him too.

Xicor: That's okay, I'll only go up to a Super Saiyan 5.Gogeta anf Gotenks rejoin Gohan, Piccolo and Krillan. Xicor powers up into a Super Saiyan 5.

Xicor: I've been training to defeat you!Xicor continues to power up.

Narrator: What does Xicor mean by only a Super Saiyan 5? Could there be another stage beyond that? And has his training been enough to defeat Okster once and for all? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 67: Don't Run Okster

Narrator: Last time on Dragon Ball AF, Okster made a copy of himself in a last attempt to defeat Gogeta and Gotenks. Once the Oksters became one again, Trunks broke him back into pieces, but that didn't workout since Okster only healed himself with his special Velcrozian technique. Trunks' life was in peril, but Broly ans Xicor arrived just in the nick of time.Back at Roshi's island, Android 18 has her eyes closed.

Android 18: (Thinking) I can't sense you, Krillan, where are you?An image of Krillan, all battered up, passes through her thoughts.

Android 18: Krillan!

Maron: Mom?
Android 18 runs out of the house and flies off towards the Diablo Desert. Back at the Diablo Desert, Xicor stops powering up. Okster has a frightend look upon his face

Okster: How did you aquire all this power so quickly?

Xicor: I was undergoing some pretty intense training in another dimesion.

Okster: The Hyperbolic Time Chamber?

Xicor: You know of it?

Okster: Like I said over and over. I know everything about you all! I've been watching months before you even arrived on Earth.

Xicor: What?!

Okster: That's right. I was fully prepared to be defeat the Z Warriors, until you showed up. The fight between you and the Z Warriors attracted my son to this planet, so I had to lie low yet again.

Xicor: Well I'll put you back under that rock you climbed out of!Xicor charges at Okster. Okster goes to punch, but Xicor Okster's arm away, making him turn and exposing his back to Xicor. Xicor spin kicks Okster in the back. Okster is knocked foreward and hits a plam tree. Okster turns around to face Xicor. A bunch of cocoanuts fall from the tree and hit okster on the head. Okster falls on his butt and leans up against the tree. Xicor charges at okster again. Okster goes to Xicor, but Xicor pushes Okster's fist away. Okster tries to punch with his other fist, but the results are the smae. Xicor uppercuts Okster on the chin. Okster is knocked sliding up along the tree and into the sky. Okster regains control of himself.

Okster: (Thinking) He's too strong. If I can't defeat Xicor, how could I defeat Broly? There's only one thing I could do now.Xicor appears infront of Okster and goes to punch him in the face. Okster ducks and launches himself off of Xicor's stomach with his feet. Okster flies off towards South City. Xicor and Broly follow Okster. Gogeta and Gotenks defuse.Goten: He ran away?

Vegeta: That coward!Android 18 lands in the Diablo Desert.

Android 18: Krillan!She runs up to Krillan and holds him in her arms.

Piccolo: He'll be fine. He just needs some rest.

Goku: Millions of people may not be alright! Okster is heading straight for South City!Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten and both Trunks' fly off towards South City.

Android 18: You're coming home with me.Android 18 carries Krillan home. Over in South City, Broly and Xicor are just arriving. They both land on the top of a building.

Broly: He's here somewhere.

Xicor: How do we find him?

Broly: Listen for the screams.They hear some screams and look over the side of the building to see Okster runing through the streets.

Narrator: Will Okster be able to survive Xicor's brute force? Or will he fall before the two Saiyans? The stage is set and who will make the next move? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 68: Broly Wins

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Xicor and Okster went at it with full force, but it wasn't long before Okster realized that he was out matched. he fled to South City to hide, but he didn't mix with Earthlins due to his appearence.Okster is running up the street.

Xicor: Broly, I think you should take it from here.

Broly: Okay.Broly transforms into a Mystic Saiyan. The top floor of the building thay are on explodes into pieces and the rest of the building cracks. Broly creates a Ki ball and launches it down at Okster. The ball hits the ground behing Okster and explodes. Okster is launched foreward. Smoke fills the sky as civilians run from the explosion. Broly floats down into the smoke. The smoke clears and Okster is gone from sight.

Broly: Where did he go? Xicor, did you see anything?

Xicor: Nope, too much smoke up here.A blast explodes out of a window of a building and heads towards Broly.

Broly: There you are.Broly lets the blast hit him. Broly flies into the shopping mall and kicks Okster up through the building. Okster breaks through the roof. Broly flies up through the building and kicks Okster back down. Okster hits a new part of the roof and falls through each floor to the main floor. Okster gets back up and runs out of the mall. Okster begins to fly off. Broly appears and kicks him in the back. Okster hits an over pass and goes through it. A green glow fills the sky. The green energy is all obsorbed into Broly's hand. Broly closes his hand and then thrusts it foreward, letting the Ki ball go free. The ball splits up into a hundred other balls. The balls hit the road and overpases, destroying that entire street. Okster dies, and his body gets disinagrated in the blast. Goku, Vegeta, Goten, Gohan and both Trunks' arrive at South City.

Goku: What happened here?

Broly: I killed Okster.

Goku: But the city.

Broly: I'm sure your human didn't get in my way.Xicor looks into the distance to see a bunch of air planes heading towards them.

Xicor: I think we should get out of here.The Saiyans fly off. Piccolo arrives back on the look-out. The flower beds are repaired aswell as the temple's pillars. Mr. Popo is curently repairing the hole that Vegeta made.

Piccolo: Looks like those Saiyans pulled another one out of the hat.

Narrator: The threat of the Velcrozians has come to an end. But will the Earth remain peaceful? Or will another rise to chalenge the Saiyans? Toon in to the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 69: Peaceful Time

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Okster's last chance to survive was to run. That prooved to be unsuccessful as it merely trapped him in a city where he met his demise.Broly, Xicor, Goku, Vegeta, Goten, Gohan and both Trunks' land on the look-out.

Xicor: Haha! We really showed him.

Goku: You two have to learn to be less reckless. There are innocent people on this planet.

Broly: Sure, but when they turn on you, don't come to me.

Goku: You don't trust anyone do you?

Broly: My own kind tried to kill me. So who should I trust?

Goku: Me.

Broly: Forget it, I'm going home.Broly flies off.

Vegeta: I agree with that asshole.Vegeta heads home.

Future Trunks: Wait up, dad.Future Trunks and chibi Trunks follow Vegeta home.

Goku: Well, I guess we should go home too then.Goku, Goten and Gohan head home. Back at Roshi's island, Krillan is lying in bed with a warm cloth over his forehead. His eyes open to see that he is home.

Krillan: What happened?Over at Gohan's house in Satan City, in Pan's room, she has her pants around her ankles and her shirt is eing held up by her breasts. She begins rubbing her vagina and then inserts a finger.

Pan: Oh yeah. I don't think I can ever get enough of this.Over at the Capsule Corp, Vegeta is training in the gravity chamber.

Vegeta: (Thinking) I'll show you Kakarott. The day will come when I will chalenge you again. Only this time, you will never win!Vegeta walks out of the chamber with a towel around his shoulders. He sees Bra.

Vegeta: Arn't you grounded?

Bra: But daddy!Vegeta escorts bra back to her room. Bra sits on the bed. Vegeta lies down beside where Bra is sitting.

Bra: Can't you kick her out of the house?

Vegeta: I would, beleive me. I want that bitch gone too. But then I wouldn't have anyone to fuck. Unless.Vegeta rolls over onto Bra.

Bra: Daddy?Vegeta rips off Bra's shirt.

Bra: What are you doing?

Vegeta: Shut up and take it like the Saiyan you are!Vegeta starts sucking on Bra's nipple as he slips off her skirt. Vegeta then begins licking her vagina.

Bra: Well....Oh yeah. No, wait, stop!

Vegeta: I said shut up!Vegeta inserts two fingers into her vagina.You like that eh? Wait 'till you get my dick.Vegeta pulls off his training shorts. Bra's eyes open wide as Vegeta inserts his large penis into her. Bra squeezes the bed sheets in her hands as Vegeta begins a humping motion.

Bra: We shouldn't be doing this.Bra tires to roll over, but Vegeta pins her down and continues to hump her.

Bra: I never throught a guy could be so good.

Vegeta: You haven't seen anything yet.Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan.

Bra: Oh, it's so big!Bulma starts walking up the stair and opens the door to see Vegeta naked and Bra hiding under her covers. Bulma smacks Vegeta across the face.

Bulma: Shame on you! She's your daughter!

Vegeta: She's better then you! You're getting too loose!Bulma smacks Vegeta across the face again.

Vegeta: You're lucky you're a woman.

Bulma: Just get out!

Narrator: Who will kick who out of the house? Will they even make up? What is this new invention she is working on? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 70: Bulma's Report

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, The evil Okster met his fate by the hands of Broly. The Z Warriors headed home to rest. Vegeta had no plans of taking any rest. he immediately continued training and got into an arguement with Bulma for raping his daughter.There's a knock on the Capsule Corp door.

Bulma: Vegeta, get the door!

Vegeta: Fine, but if it's those child services people again, they're dead.Vegeta opens the door to see Goku and Gohan.

Vegeta: What do you want now?

Goku: We're going to the gym. Want to come?

Vegeta: No. Why would I? It would be a waste of my time.

Gohan: If you come, you could show my dad how much better you are.

Vegeta: Shut up child. Get this straight, I'll come, but only to proove how much you suck, Kakarott.Over at Broly's house, on a tropical island, Broly walks into the house holding a dog in his arms.

Jeanin: Aw, how cute! Is he for me?Broly: Yeah, caught him shitting in the yard. I'll put him in the fridge and we could clean him tommorow.

Jeanin: What?! We're not going to eat him! He's too cute.

Broly: Fine, anything for you.

Jeanin: You're so wipped!At Xicor's ship, he is inside eating a couple of apples.

Computer: Another ship approaching.

Xicor: What?Back at the Capsule Corp, Bulma is working on her new invention.

Bulma: There, that should do it.She turns on the monitor and sees a meteor.

Bulma: Oh my god.T the Kabu Fight Club in West City, Vegeta is on the weight master machine and is lisfting as much wieght as the machine can hold. Goku is doing the same amount, but he has them on a seperate bar. Gohan is on the treadmill.

Bulma: Hey guys!

Vegeta: What the hell are you here for?Bulma: Well, my new invention works. It's a long range space radar and it picked up a meteor heading to Earth.

Vegeta: And?

Bulma: Well, it's not a meteor at all. Further examination show that it's a disguised ship carrying two life forms.

Gohan: Is it bad?

Bulma: I'm not sure, I haven't been able to identify or make contact with them.

Goku: When will they get here?

Bulma: I'm not sure if it's coming to Earth. It may just pass by, but I thought I should let you know.

Goku: We should let Piccolo know.Up on the look-out, Piccolo is meditating again.

Mr. Popo: Excuse me, Piccolo, I've finished fixing everything.

Piccolo: Doesn't matter, a war is coming and if I'm correct, it won't be on Earth.Narrator: Could these new creatures pose a threat to thr Earth? If not, why would their ship be disguised? And what did Piccolo mean by a war coming, but not on Earth? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!

Episode 71: Popo's Birthday

Narrator: On the last episode of Dragon Ball AF, Bulma's new invention was a space radar which dedected an alien space craft heading in Earth's direction.

Mr. Popo: What do you mean a war?

Piccolo: I'm not sure, but I sense something big is about to take place on Namek.

Mr. Popo: O dear, does this mean that you might have to go to Namek too?

Piccolo: I don't know. Why don't you take the rest of the day off.

Mr. Popo: What for?

Piccolo: It's your birthday.

Mr. Popo: Is it really my birthday, already?

Piccolo: I don't know, but I need to concentrate.

Mr. Popo: Oh, I'm sorry.Mr. Popo walks inside the look-out tower. Piccolo closes his eyes again. Goku and Gohan land on the look-out.

Goku: Hey, Piccolo!Piccolo opens his eyes

Piccolo: (Thinking) Now what?

Goku: Piccolo, seems like we'll be having company soon.

Piccolo: What do you mean?

Gohan: Bulma's device showed an alien ship coming to Earth.

Piccolo: Great, just what we need.Goku: Don't worry, I'm sure they're friendly.

Piccolo: Perhaps, but I can't watch both Namek and these other guys.

Gohan: What's happening on Namek?

Piccolo: I'm not sure what yet, but it's something big.Over at Goku's house, Chichi and Goten are in the kitchen.

Chichi: Goten, those boys will be so hungry after their workout. What should I make for lunch?

Goten: Food?

Chichi: Well of course, silly.Chichi starts going through the cubboards.

Chichi: AH! A lizard!

Goten: Natily!

Chichi: What?Goeten goes to the cubboard and picks up the lizard in his hands.

Goten: He's my pet, Natily.

Chichi: You mean she?

Goten: No. He's a he.Up in space, the meteor space ship begins glowing red.

Narrator: What could be going on inside the alien space ship? How much longer will it take before it reaches Earth? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball AF!